Business - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ A-1,Noun,G5532, chreia ]
translated business" in Acts 6:3, of the distribution of funds, signifies "a necessity, a need," and is used in this place concerning duty or business. See LACK, NECESSITY, NEED, USE, WANT.

[ A-2,Noun,G2039, ergasia ]
denotes "a business," Acts 19:24-Acts 19:25, RV, AV, "gain" and "craft" (from ergon, "work"). See DILIGENCE.

[ B-1,Adjective,G2398, idios ]
expresses "what is one's own" (hence, Eng. "idiot," in a changed sense, lit., "a person with his own opinions"); the neuter plural with the article (ta idia) signifies "one's own things." In 1 Thessalonians 4:11, the noun is not expressed in the original but is supplied in the English versions by "business," "your own business." For the same phrase, otherwise expressed, See John 1:11, "His own (things);" John 16:32; John 19:27, "his own (home);" Acts 21:6, "home." In Luke 2:49, the phrase "in My Father's house" (RV), "about My Father's business" (RJV), is, lit., "in the (things, the neuter plural of the article) of My Father." See ACQUAINTANCE, COMPANY, No. 8, DUE, HOME, OWN, PRIVATE, PROPER, SEVERAL.


(1) In the AV of Romans 16:2 pragma is translated "business," RV, "matter." See MATTER, THING, WORK.

(2) In Romans 12:11 spoude, translated "business" (AV), signifies "diligence" (RV). See DILIGENCE.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words