Dawn - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
[ A-1,Verb,G826, augazo ]to shine," is used metaphorically of the light of dawn, in 2 Corinthians 4:4 (some texts have kataugazo). Cp. auge, "brightness or break of day," Acts 20:11. The word formerly meant "to See clearly," and it is possible that this meaning was continued in general usage.
[ A-2,Verb,G1306, diaugazo ]
signifies "to shine through" (dia, "through," auge, "brightness"); it describes the breaking of daylight upon the darkness of night, metaphorically, in 2 Peter 1:19, of the shining of spiritual light into the heart. A probable reference is to the Day to be ushered in at the Second Coming of Christ: "until the Day gleam through the present darkness, and the Light-bringer dawn in your hearts."
Note: Cp. diauges, "translucent, transparent," Revelation 21:21 (some texts have diaphanes, "transparent").
[ A-3,Verb,G2020, epiphosko ]
"to grow light" (epi, "upon," phos, "light"), in the sense of shining upon, is used in Matthew 28:1; in Luke 23:54, "drew on" (of the Sabbath-day); RV, marg., "began to dawn." See DRAW.
[ B-1,Noun,G3722, orthros ]
"daybreak," denotes "at early dawn," Luke 24:1 (RV), "early in the morning" (AV); John 8:2 (AV and RV); in Acts 5:21, RV, "about daybreak," for AV, "early in the morning."
Note: Cp. orthrios, "early," in some texts in Luke 24:22; orthrinos, a later form of orthros, in some mss. in Revelation 22:16; orthrizo, "to do anything early in the morning," in Luke 21:38.