Espoused - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
[ 1,,G718, harmozo ]to fit, join" (from harmos, "a joint, joining;" the root ar---, signifying "to fit," is in evidence in various languages; cp. arthron, "a joint," arithmos, "a number," etc.), is used in the Middle Voice, of marrying or giving in marriage; in 2 Corinthians 11:2 it is rendered "espoused," metaphorically of the relationship established between Christ and the local church, through the Apostle's instrumentality. The thought may be that of "fitting" or "joining" to one husband, the Middle Voice expressing the Apostle's interest or desire in doing so.
[ 2,,G3423, mnesteuo ]
"to woo and win, to espouse or promise in marriage," is used in the Passive Voice in Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:27; Luke 2:5, all with reference to the Virgin Mary, RV, "betrothed," for AV, "espoused," in each case. See BETROTH.