Increase (Verb) - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Increase (Verb)
[ 1,,G837, auxano ]See GROW, No. 1.
[ 2,,G4052, perisseuo ]
to be over and above, to abound," is translated "increased" in Acts 16:5, of churches; "increase" in the AV of 1 Thessalonians 4:10 (RV, "abound"). See ABOUND, under ABUNDANCE, B, No. 1.
[ 3,,G4121, pleonazo ]
"to make to abound," is translated "make (you) to increase in 1 Thessalonians 3:12, with No. 2. See ABUNDANCE, B, No. 3.
[ 4,,G4278, prokopto ]
is translated by the verb "to increase" in Luke 2:52 and in the AV of 2 Timothy 2:16 (RV, "will proceed further"). See ADVANCE, PROCEED.
[ 5,,G4369, prostithemi ]
"to put to, add to," is translated "increase" in Luke 17:5. See ADD. No. 2.
Note: For "increased in strength" See STRENGTH.