Make - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words


[ 1,,G4160, poieo ]
to do, to make," is used in the latter sense
(a) of constructing or producing anything, of the creative acts of God, e.g., Matthew 19:4 (2nd part); Acts 17:24; of the acts of human beings, e.g., Matthew 17:4; Acts 9:39;
(b) with nouns denoting a state or condition, to be the author of, to cause, e.g., peace, Ephesians 2:15; James 3:18; stumbling blocks, Romans 16:17;
(c) with nouns involving the idea of action (or of something accomplished by action), so as to express the idea of the verb more forcibly (the Middle Voice is commonly used in this respect, suggesting the action as being of special interest to the doer); for the Active Voice See, e.g., Mark 2:23, of "making" one's way, where the idea is not that the disciples "made" a path through the standing corn, but simply that they went, the phrase being equivalent to going, "(they began) as they went (to pluck the ears);" other instances of the Active are Revelation 13:13-Revelation 13:14; Revelation 16:14; Revelation 19:20; for the Middle Voice (the dynamic or subjective Middle), See, e.g., John 14:23, "will make our abode;" in Acts 20:24, "none of these things move me," lit., "I make account of none of these things;" Acts 25:17, "I made no delay," RV; Romans 15:26; Ephesians 4:16; Hebrews 1:2; 2 Peter 1:10;
(d) to "make" ready or prepare, e.g., a dinner, Luke 14:12; a supper, John 12:2;
(e) to acquire, provide a thing for oneself, Matthew 25:16; Luke 19:18;
(f) to render or "make" one or oneself anything, or cause a person or thing to become something, e.g., Matthew 4:19; Matthew 12:16, "make (Him known);" John 5:11, John 5:15, to "make" whole; John 16:2, lit., "they shall make (you put out of the synagogue);" Ephesians 2:14; Hebrews 1:7; to change one thing into another, Matthew 21:13; John 2:16; John 4:46; 1 Corinthians 6:15;
(g) to constitute one anything, e.g., Acts 2:36;
(h) to declare one or oneself anything, John 5:18, "making (Himself equal with God);" John 8:53; John 10:33; John 19:7, John 19:12; 1 John 1:10; 1 John 5:10;
(i) to "make" one do a thing, e.g., Luke 5:34; John 6:10; Revelation 3:9. See DO, No. 1, and other renderings there.

[ 2,,G5087, tithemi ]
"to put," is used in the same way as No. 1
(f), Matthew 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:43; Acts 2:35; 1 Corinthians 9:18 (of making the Gospel without charge); Hebrews 1:13; Hebrews 10:13; 2 Peter 2:6; as No. 1
(g), Acts 20:28; Romans 4:17. See APPOINT, No. 3.

[ 3,,G1303, diatithemi ]
"to covenant," is rendered "I will make" (the noun diatheke, "a covenant," being expressed additionally), in the Middle Voice, in Acts 3:25; Hebrews 8:10; Hebrews 10:16, lit., "I will covenant" (See RV, marg.). See APPOINT, No. 4.

[ 4,,G2525, kathistemi ]
"to set down, set in order, appoint," is used in the same way as No. 1
(g) in Acts 7:10, Acts 7:27, Acts 7:35; Hebrews 7:28, AV (RV, "appointeth"); as No. 1
(f) in Romans 5:19 (twice). See APPOINT, No. 2.

[ 5,,G4921, sunistemi ]
"to commend, prove, establish," is used in Galatians 2:18, much as in No. 1
(g), "I make myself (a transgressor)," i.e., "I constitute (or prove) myself, etc." See APPROVE, No. 2.

[ 6,,G1325, didomi ]
"to give," is used in 2 Thessalonians 3:9 in much the same sense as No. 1
(g), "to make (ourselves an ensample)"; in Revelation 3:9 (1st part), RV, "I will give," the sense is virtually the same as poieo in the 2nd part of the verse, See No. 1
(i). See GIVE.

[ 7,,G2005, epiteleo ]
"to complete," is translated "to make" in Hebrews 8:5 (1st part), RV marg., "complete" [in the 2nd part No. 1 is used in sense

[ 8,,G4931, sunteleo ]
"to end, fulfil," is translated "I will make" in Hebrews 8:8, said of the New Covenant. See END.

[ 9,,G1510, eimi ]
"to be," is translated "make" in Mark 12:42, lit., "which is (a farthing)."

[ 10,,G4364, prospoieo ]
primarily, "to claim," is used in the Middle Voice with the meaning "to make as if," in Luke 24:28, of the Lord's action regarding the two on the way to Emmaus. In the Sept., 1 Samuel 21:13; Job 19:14.

[ 11,,G2722, katecho ]
"to hold fast" (kata, "down," intensive, echo, "to hold"), is used of "making" for a place, in Acts 27:40, RV, "they made for" (AV, "they made toward"). See HOLD.

[ 12,,G4294, prokatartizo ]
"to render fit ('fitted'; artos, 'a joint') beforehand," is used in 2 Corinthians 9:5, "to make up beforehand."


(1) In Hebrews 9:2, AV, kataskeuazo, "to prepare," is translated "made" (RV, "prepared").

(2) In Ephesians 2:15, AV, ktizo, "to create," is translated "make" (RV, "create").

(3) In Acts 26:16, AV, procheirizo, "to determine, choose," is translated "make" (RV, "appoint").

(4) In Galatians 3:16, AV, ero, "to speak," is translated "were ... made" (RV, "were ... spoken").

(5) In Luke 14:31, AV, sumballo, "to meet with," in hostile sense, is rendered in combination with the phrase eis polemon, "in war," "to make war"; RV, "to encounter (in war)."

(6) In Romans 14:19 "the things which make for peace" is, lit., "the things of peace."

(7) In Acts 22:1 the verb "I make" represents no word in the original, lit., "hear now my defense unto you."

(8) The Eng. verb "to make" forms with many other verbs a rendering of single Greek verbs which are given under the respective headings.

(9) For "made," Luke 19:16, RV, See GAIN, Note

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words