Part (Verb, to separate) - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Part (Verb, to separate)

[ 1,,G1266, diamerizo ]
to part among, to distribute," is translated by the verb "to part"
(a) in the Middle Voice, with reference to the Lord's garments, Matthew 27:35, 1st part (in some mss., 2nd part); Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34; John 19:24;
(b) in the Active Voice, of "the proceeds of the sale of possessions and goods," Acts 2:45;
(c) in the Passive Voice in Acts 2:3, of the "parting asunder" (RV) of tongues like fire (AV, "cloven"). See CLOVEN, DIVIDE, No. 7.

[ 2,,G1339, diistemi ]
"to set apart, separate" (dia, "apart," histemi, "to cause to stand"), is used in the Active Voice in Luke 24:51, RV, "He parted (from them)," AV, "was parted." See GO, SPACE.

[ 3,,G645, apospao ]
"to draw off" or "tear away," is used in the Passive Voice in Luke 22:41, RV, "He was parted" (AV, "was withdrawn"), lit. "He was torn away," indicating the reluctance with which Christ parted from the loving sympathy of the disciples. Moulton and Milligan suggest that the ordinary use of the verb does not encourage this stronger meaning, but since the simpler meaning is not found in the NT, except in Acts 21:1, and since the idea of withdrawal is expressed in Matt. by anachoreo, Luke may have used apospao here in the stronger sense. See DRAW, A, No. 6.

[ 4,,G5563, chorizo ]
in Philemon 1:15, RV, "parted:" See DEPART, No. 13.

[ 5,,G673, apochorizo ]
"to part from," Acts 15:39, RV; See DEPART, No. 14.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words