Perform, Performance - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Perform, Performance

[ 1,,G5055, teleo ]
to finish," is translated "performed" in Luke 2:39, AV: See ACCOMPLISH, No. 3.

[ 2,,G658, apoteleo ]
"to bring to an end, accomplish," is translated "I perform" in Luke 13:32, RV (AV, "I do"); some mss. have No. 3; in James 1:15, it is used of sin, "fullgrown" RV (AV, "finished"). See FINISH, Note 2.

[ 3,,G2005, epiteleo ]
Romans 15:28, AV, "performed" (RV, "accomplished"); 2 Corinthians 8:11, AV, "perform" (RV, "complete"); Philippians 1:6, AV, "perform" (RV, "perfect"): See ACCOMPLISH, No. 4.

[ 4,,G4160, poieo ]
"to do," is translated "to perform" in Romans 4:21; in Luke 1:72, AV (RV, "to show"). See SHEW.

[ 5,,G591, apodidomi ]
"to give back, or in full," is translated "thou ... shalt perform" in Matthew 5:33. See DELIVER. No. 3.


(1) In Romans 7:18, AV, katergazomai, "to work," is translated "to perform" (RV, "to do;" marg., "work").

(2) In Luke 1:20, AV, ginomai, "to come to pass" (RV), is translated "shall be performed."

(3) For "performance" in Luke 1:45, See FULFILLMENT.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words