Sore (Noun, Adjective, Adverb), Sorer - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

Sore (Noun, Adjective, Adverb), Sorer

[ A-1,Noun,G1668, helkos ]
a sore" or "ulcer" (primarily a wound), occurs in Luke 16:21; Revelation 16:2, Revelation 16:11.

[ B-1,Verb,G1669, helkoo ]
"to wound, to ulcerate," is used in the Passive Voice, signifying "to suffer from sores," to be "full of sores," Luke 16:20 (perfect participle).

[ C-1,Adjective,G2425, hikanos ]
used of things, occasionally denotes "much," translated "sore" in Acts 20:37, lit., "there was much weeping of all." See ABLE, C, No. 2.

[ C-2,Adjective,G5501, cheiron ]
"worse" (used as a comparative degree of kakos, "evil"), occurs in Hebrews 10:29, "sorer." See WORSE.

[ D-1,Adverb,G3029, lian ]
"very, exceedingly," is translated "sore" in Mark 6:51 (of amazement). See EXCEED, B, No. 1.

[ D-2,Adverb,G4970, sphodra ]
"very, very much," is translated "sore" in Matthew 17:6 (of fear). See GREATLY, Note


(1) For the AV, "sore vexed" in Matthew 17:15, See GRIEVOUSLY, B, No. 2, Note

(2) In Luke 2:9 megas, "great," is used with phobos, "fear," as the object of the verb "to fear," "(they were) sore (afraid)," lit., "(they feared) a great (fear)."

(3) In Mark 9:26, AV, polla, "much" (RV), the neuter plur. of polus, used as an adverb, is translated "sore."

(4) In Matthew 21:15, aganakteo, "to be moved with indignation" (RV), is translated "they were sore displeased."

(5) For the RV, "sore troubled," Matthew 26:37; Mark 14:33 (AV, "very heavy"), See TROUBLE, B, No. 12.

(6) For AV, "were sore amazed" in Mark 14:33, See AMAZE, B, No. 4.

(7) In Luke 9:39, RV, suntribo, "to break, bruise," is rendered "bruiseth sorely." See BREAK, A, No. 5.

(8) In Mark 9:6, ekphobos is rendered "sore afraid."

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words