Matthew 28

ECB(i) 1
In the eve of the shabbaths as it begins to dawn to the first of the shabbaths, Miryam the Magdalene and the other Miryam go to observe the tomb. 2 And behold, there is a mega quake: for the angel of Yah Veh descends from the heavens and comes and rolls the stone from the portal and sits on it: 3 his countenance is as lightning and his enduement white as snow: 4 and the guards quake in awe of him and become as dead. 5 And the angel answers the women, saying, Awe not: for I know you seek Yah Shua who was staked: 6 he is not here: for he rose exactly as he said: come, see the place where Adonay lay: 7 and go quickly and say to his disciples that he rose from the dead; and behold, he precedes you into Galiyl; and there you see him: behold, I have said to you. 8 And they depart quickly from the tomb with awe and mega cheer; and run to evangelize his disciples. 9 And as they go to evangelize his disciples, behold, Yah Shua meets them, wording, Cheers! - and they come and overpower him by the feet and worship him. 10 Then Yah Shua words to them, Awe not: go evangelize my brothers to go to Galiyl and see me there. 11
And as they go, behold, some of the custodians come to the city, and evangelize to the archpriests all that became. 12 And they assemble with the elders and take counsel; they give ample silver to the warriors, 13 wording, Say, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept: 14 and whenever the governor hears, we convince him, and make you unanxious. 15 So they take the silver and do as they are doctrinated: and this word is commonly reported among the Yah Hudiym until this day. 16 And the eleven disciples go to Galiyl - to a mountain where Yah Shua ordained them 17 - and they see him and worship him - but some doubt. 18
And Yah Shua comes and speaks to them, wording, All authority is given me in the heavens and in earth. 19 So go and disciple all goyim, baptizing them in the name* of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: 20 doctrinating them to guard all - as much as ever I misvahed you: and behold, I am with you all days - even to the completion/shalom of the eon. Amen. *name: Exodus 3:3-15, Isaiah 42:8, John 8:58