BDB3650 [H3308]

[יֳפִי] noun masculine beauty; — absolute יֹ֫פִי Isa 3:24 + 5 t.; construct יְפִי Ezek 28:7 suffix יָפְיִ֑ךָ vEzek 28:17 יָפְיֵךָ Ps 45:12 + 5 t.; יָפְיוֺ Isa 33:17 + 2 t.; יָפְיָהּ Prov 6:25; Esth 1:11 beauty of a woman Isa 3:24; Ps 45:12; Esth 1:11; Prov 6:25, compare Prov 31:30 of Jerusalem under figure of woman Ezek 16:14; Ezek 16:15; Ezek 16:25 Tyre Ezek 27:3 (כְּלִי֫לַת יֹ֑פִי), compare vEzek 27:4 vEzek 27:11 prince of Tyre, beauty of (his) wisdom Ezek 28:7 king of Tyre vEzek 28:12 (כְּלִיל יפי), vEzek 28:17 ideal beauty of king of Judah Isa 33:17, Zion (מִכְלַליֹֿ֑פִי) Ps 50:2, compare Lam 2:15 (כְּלִי֫לַת יֹ֑פִי); of Egypt under figure of tree Ezek 31:8 of ransomed people of ׳י Zech 9:17.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer