BDB5544 [H5493 H5494 H3249 H5637 H8269]

סוּר and (Hos 9:12) [שׂוּד]300 verb turn aside (Late Hebrew Hiph`il cause to turn aside, or apostatize; Tel Amarna sûru, noun rebel WklGloss); —

Qal161 Perfect masculine singular סָר Exod 3:4 +; 3 feminine singular סָ֫רָה 1Sam 16:14 +; 1 singular סָ֑רְתִּי Ps 119:102 3 plural סָרוּ Deut 9:12 +; 2 masculine plural סַרְתֶּם vDeut 9:16 +, etc.; Imperfect 3 masculine singular יָסוּר Gen 49:10 +, וַיָּ֫מַר Judg 4:18 +; 3 feminine singular תָּסוּר 1Sam 6:3 +; 1 singular cohortative אָסֻ֫רָה Exod 3:3 3 masculine plural יָסֻ֫רוּ Exod 25:15 +, etc.; Imperative masculine singular סוּר 2Sam 2:22 +, etc.; Infinitive absolute סוֺר Dan 9:5, סֹר vDan 9:11 construct סוּר Isa 7:17 +; suffix שׂוּרִי Hos 9:12 (Ges«GKC:6k»§ 6k Now); Participle סָר Job 1:1 +; feminine construct סָרַת Prov 11:22 masculine plural construct סָרֵי Jer 6:28 (or from סרר, or שָׂר); passive feminine סוּרָה Isa 49:21, with intransitive meaning (Ges«GKC:50f»§ 50f ii. 1, 137), plural suffix סוּרַי Jer 17:13 Qr; and construct סוּרֵי Jer 2:21
1. turn aside, out of one's course 1Sam 6:12; Deut 2:27, from following, מֵאַחֲרֵי person 2Sam 2:21; 2Sam 2:22, absolute v2Sam 2:23, from attacking, מֵעַל 2Chr 20:10 turn in unto (for shelter, refuge, etc.), with אֶלֿ, Gen 19:2; Gen 19:3 (J) Judg 4:18 (3 t. in verse); Judg 19:11; Judg 19:12; 2Kgs 4:11, with לְ Judg 20:8, with שָׁם Judg 18:3; Judg 19:15, שָׁ֫מָה Judg 18:15; 2Kgs 4:8 ( + infinitive), v2Kgs 4:10 with הֵ֫נָּה Prov 9:4; Prov 9:16 (in figurative); for purpose implied Exod 3:3 (J) Ruth 4:1 (twice in verse), or expressed by infinitive Exod 3:4 (J) Judg 14:8; Jer 15:5 (in figurative); especially figurative turn aside from right path, from ׳י, his commands, etc., usually with מִן Exodus (J) Judg 2:17; Deut 9:12 + 7 t. D, Prov 13:14 + 5 t. Proverbs, + 10 t. elsewhere, + 2Chr 8:15 (insert מִן); with מֵאַחֲרֵי 1Sam 12:20 + 4 t.; with מֵעַל Jer 32:40; Ezek 6:9 מִן + יָמִין etc. Deut 5:29; Deut 17:11; 2Kgs 22:2 = 2Chr 34:2 absolute (sometimes = revolt) Ps 14:3; Jer 5:23; Deut 11:16; Deut 17:17 (subject לֵבָב), וְסוּרַי Jer 17:13 Qr (> יסורי Kt) read probably וְסוּרֶיךָ those revolting from thee (Ew Gie); סוּרֵי הַגֶּפֶן נָכְרִיָּה Jer 2:21 degenerate (shoots) of the foreign vine (figurative); סָרַת טַעַם Prov 11:22 a woman turning aside as to discretion, shewing lack of it; also from wrong path, sins (of Jeroboam), etc., with מִן 2Kgs 3:3; 2Kgs 14:24 + 7 t. 2 Kings; with מֵעַל 2Kgs 10:31; 2Kgs 15:18 with מֵאַחֲרֵי 2Kgs 10:29 סָר מֵרָע (participle) Job 1:1; Job 1:8; Job 2:3 also Isa 59:15 סוּר מֵרָע (infinitive and imperative) Job 28:28; Prov 3:7; Prov 13:19; Prov 16:6; Prov 16:17; Ps 34:16; Ps 37:27.
2. depart, usually with מִן, of frogs Exod 8:7, flies v.Exod 8:25 (both J), sword 2Sam 12:10 sceptre from Judah Gen 49:10 (poem in J): ׳י's hand 1Sam 6:3, his kindness 2Sam 7:15 (ᵑ0, but read אָסִיר ᵐ5 ᵑ6 ᵑ9 || 1Chr 17:13 Th We Dr Klo Bu Kit HPS), his wrath Ezek 16:42 (but strike out Co Siegf Toy), depart from way = get out of the way, cease to obstruct Isa 30:11, etc.; with מִתּוֺךְ 1Sam 15:6 (twice in verse); with מֵעַל Isa 7:17; Judg 16:19; Num 12:10, etc.; of ׳י departing, מִן person, Hos 9:12, מֵעַל Judg 16:20; 1Sam 28:16, מֵעִם 1Sam 18:12 God, with מִן Job 21:14; Job 22:17, with מֵעַל 1Sam 28:16, ׳רוּחֵ י, with מֵעִם 1Sam 16:14 evil spirit, with מֵעַל v1Sam 16:23 absolute depart [from Babylon] Isa 52:11 (twice in verse); = avoid contact Lam 4:15 (3 t. in verse); of wicked Job 15:30 he shall not depart out of (מִנִּי) darkness, i.e. shall not avoid it, escape it; passive participle made to depart, thrust away, of Israel under figure of wife Isa 49:21 (> active, according to BaNB § 124 c).
3. of lifeless things = be removed, oppressors's yoke, with מֵעַל Isa 14:25 compare vIsa 14:25; Isa 10:27 staves from (מִן) ark Exod 25:16 absolute inquity Isa 6:7 especially of בָּמוֺת 1Kgs 15:14; 1Kgs 22:44; 2Kgs 12:4; 2Kgs 14:4; 2Kgs 15:4; 2Kgs 15:35; 2Kgs 2:17; 2Kgs 20:33.
4. = come to an end, Amos 6:7; Isa 11:13. — For סָר אֶלֿ 1Sam 22:14 read שָׂר עַלֿ ᵐ5 Th Dr Klo Bu Kit Löhr HPS; in 1Sam 15:32 Th HPS strike out סָר (after ᵐ5 ᵑ9 ᵑ6) as dittograph; סָר סָבְאָם Hos 4:18 see סֹבֶא; Hos 7:14 read יָס֫וֺרוּ for יָס֫וּרוּ (√ סרר q. v.); Jer 6:28, it is uncertain whether (סוֺרְרִים) סָרֵי belongs here, revolters among the rebellious, or below סרר, or even = שָׂרֵי princes, chiefs (compare 1Sam 22:14). Pô`lel Perfect 3 masculine singular סוֺרֵר דְּרָכָיו Lam 3:11 he turned aside my ways (my steps).

Hiph`il133 Perfect 3 masculine singular הֵסִיר 2Kgs 18:4 +; 2 masculine singular וַהֲסִרֹ֫תָ consecutive (Dr§ 110(5) Obs.) 1Kgs 3:31 1 singular הֲסִירֹ֫תִי 2Kgs 23:27 +, וַהֲסִרֹתִ֫י 1Sam 17:46 +; 3 plural הֵסִ֫ירוּ 2Chr 30:14, etc.; Imperfect 3 masculine singular יָסִיר Isa 3:18 +, jussive יָסֵר Exod 8:4 +, וַיָּ֫סַר Gen 8:13 +; suffix וַיְסִרֵהוּ 1Sam 18:13, וַיְסִרֶהָ 1Kgs 15:13, יְסִירֶנָּה Lev 3:4 +; 3 masculine plural יָסִ֫ירוּ Isa 5:23 +, etc.; Imperative masculine singular הָסֵר 1Kgs 20:24 +, הָסִיר Ezek 21:31 (read הָסֵיר, הָסֵר); feminine singular הָסִ֫ירִי 1Sam 1:14, etc.; Infinitive absolute הָסֵר Gen 30:32 +; construct הָסִיר 2Kgs 6:32 +, etc.; Participle מֵסִיר Isa 3:1 + 3 t.; —

1. cause to (turn aside,) depart, common word for remove, take away: with מִן, Exod 8:4; Exod 8:27; Exod 33:23 (all J), Exod 23:25 (E) Deut 7:15; 1Sam 28:3; Josh 7:13 (J) Judg 10:16; Isa 3:1; Ps 18:23 (+ || 2Sam 22:23, read אָסִיר מִמֶּנִּי De Hup-Now HPS); shoulder from burden Ps 81:7 מֵסִיר אָזְנוֺ מִשְּׁמֹעַ Prov 28:9 + often, + Job 33:17 (insert מִן ᵐ5 Ew Di De Hi Bu and others); with מֵעַל, take off ring Gen 41:42 (E) Esth 3:10, also Esth 8:2 (absolute); garments Gen 38:14; Gen 38:19 (J) Deut 21:13; Zech 3:4; 1Sam 17:39 (armour), also Exod 34:34 (P; absolute) and Ezek 26:16 (Co insert מֵעַל); take off head, מֵעַל 1Sam 17:46, absolute 2Sam 4:7; 2Sam 16:9; 2Sam 2:32 with מֵעַל also often figurative (from upon = from resting on, or burdening), plagues Exod 8:4; Exod 10:17 (J), compare Num 21:7 (E), also 1Sam 1:14; Amos 5:23; 1Kgs 2:31 reproach 1Sam 17:26; Isa 25:8 c, מֵעִם = from one's presence 1Sam 18:13, also of ׳י removing kindness 1Chr 16:13 = || 2Sam 7:15 (see
Qal 2.); with מֵעַל פָּנָיו, of ׳י removing Israel 2Kgs 17:18; 2Kgs 17:23; 2Kgs 23:27; 2Kgs 24:3; Jer 32:31 absolute 2Kgs 23:27 often absolute, Gen 8:13 Noah removed the covering; remove = depose with מִן 1Kgs 15:13 = 2Chr 15:16 (see מִן 7 b
\ \ \ (b)), absolute 2Chr 36:3, compare Judg 9:29; Job 34:20 remove בָּמוֺת, etc., 2Kgs 18:4, v2Kgs 18:22 = Isa 36:7 = 2Chr 32:12; 2Kgs 23:19; 2Chr 30:14; 2Chr 14:2, compare 2Chr 14:4; 2Chr 17:5 (both with מִן); = put away strange gods, etc., Gen 35:2; Josh 24:14; Josh 24:23 (all E), 1Sam 7:4, with מִתּוֺךְ v1Sam 7:3; Isa 58:9 once with לְ, מֵסִיר שָׂפָה לְנֶאֱמָנִים Job 12:20.
2. rarer uses are: put aside = leave undone Josh 11:15 (D); retract words Isa 31:2 (of ׳י); reject prayer Ps 66:20 abolish sacrifice Dan 11:31 turn one away מֵאַחֲרֵי, i.e. from following Deut 7:4 with אֶלֿ person, remove the ark unto 2Sam 6:10 = 1Chr 13:13.Hoph`al Perfect 3 masculine singular הוּסַר Lev 4:31; Dan 12:11 Imperfect 3 masculine singular יוּסַר Lev 4:35 Participle מוּסָר Isa 17:1 plural מוּסָרִים 1Sam 21:7 (but final ם probably dittograph before מ We Dr Klo Kit HPS); — be taken away, removed: with מִן Lev 4:35, מֵעַל vLev 4:31, ׳מִלִּפְנֵי י 1Sam 21:7 מוּסָר מֵעִיר Isa 17:1 Damascus is removed from being a city; absolute be abolished Dan 12:11 (compare Dan 11:31 Hiph`il).

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
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