BDB7913 [H7386]

[רֵיק], רֵק adjective empty, vain — masculine absolute רֵק Gen 37:24 + 2 t.; feminine דֵקָה feminine דֵקָה Ezek 24:11; Isa 29:8 masculine plural רֵ(י)קִים Judg 7:16 +; feminine plural רֵקוֺת Gen 41:27

1. empty, of vessels 2Kgs 4:3; Judg 7:16; Ezek 24:11 + (probably) Jer 14:3 (רֵיקִים for דֵיקָם), Jer 51:34 (רֵיק for רִיק); of pit Gen 37:24 (J), lap Neh 5:13, ears of grain Gen 41:27 (E; דֵּקּוֺת vGen 41:6 vGen 41:7 vGen 41:23 vGen 41:24); רֵקָה נַפְשׁוֺ Isa 29:8 (compare Isa 32:6
2. empty, idle, worthless, ethically; אנשׁים ריקים worthless fellows Judg 9:4; Judg 11:3; 2Chr 13:7, so הָרֵקִים alone(as substantive) 2Sam 6:20 מְרַדֵּף רֵיקִים Prov 12:11 AV RV of persons; < vain, unprofitable things, Prov 28:19 (see Toy); מִן ׳דָּבָר ר Deut 32:47 (D) a thing too empty (of significance) for you; + (probably) Ps 4:3 (רֵיק for ᵑ0 רִיק) love an empty thing (|| כזב), of abortive course of action.

The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.
Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer