Exodus 32:11-14

Bishops(i) 11 And Moyses besought the Lorde his God, and sayd: O Lord, why doth thy wrath waxe whot agaynst thy people whiche thou hast brought out of the lande of Egypt with great power, and with a mightie hande 12 Wherfore should the Egyptians speake and say: For a mischiefe dyd he bryng them out, euen for to slay them in the mountaynes, & to consume them from the face of the earth? Turne from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this euyll [deuise] agaynst thy people 13 Remember Abraham, Isahac, and Israel thy seruauntes, to whom thou swarest by thy owne selfe, and saydest vnto them: I wyll multiplie your seede as the starres of heauen, and all this lande that I haue spoken of wyll I geue vnto your seede, and they shall inherite it for euer 14 And the Lorde refrayned hym selfe from the euill whiche he sayd he would do vnto his people