Judith 15

Bishops(i) 1 Now when al the hoast heard that Holophernes was beheaded, their minde & counsell fel from them: and being amased with feare onely and trembling, they saued them selues by fleeing away, 2 One spake not to another, but hanged downe their heades, left all behinde the, and made haste to escape from the Hebrues: for they heard that they were hasting to come after with their weapons, and so they fled by the wayes of the fieldes, and through all the foote pathes of the dales. 3 And when the children of Israel saw that they fled, they folowed vpon them: and went downe with trumpettes, blowyng and making a great crye after them. 4 As for the Assyrians they had no order, and kept not them selues together, but fled their way: Neuerthelesse, the children of Israel fell vpon them with one company and order, and discomfited as many as they might get. 5 And Osias sent messengers vnto all the cities and countries of Israel. 6 So all the regions and euery citie sent out their best men after them in harnesse, and smote them with the sworde, till they came to the vttermost parte of their borders. 7 And the other that were in Bethulia came into the tentes of the Assyrians, and tooke all that they which were fled had left behinde them, & so they founde great good. 8 And they that came againe to Bethulia from the battaile, tooke with them such thinges as had ben theirs: there was no number of the cattaile and of all costly iewels, so that from the lowest vnto the hiest, they were all made rich of the spoyles of them. 9 And Ioachim the hie priest came from Hierusalem to Bethulia with al the elders, that they might see Iudith. 10 Now when she came out vnto them, they began all to prayse her with one voyce, saying: Thou worship of the citie of Hierusalem, thou ioy of Israel, thou honour of our people. 11 Because thou hast done manly, and thy heart is comforted, & for that thou hast loued clenlinesse and chastitie, and hast knowen no man but thyne owne husband: therefore hath the hand of the Lorde comforted thee, and blessed shalt thou be for euer. 12 And all the people saide: So be it, So be it. 13 In thirtie dayes coulde the people of Israel scarse gather vp the spoyles of the Assyrians. 14 But all that belonged vnto Holophernes, and had ben his specially (whether it were of golde, of siluer, precious stone, clothing, and all ornamentes) they gaue it vnto Iudith, and it was deliuered vnto her of the people. 15 And all the people reioyced, both women, maydens, and young people, with pipes, and harpes.