Judith 9

Bishops(i) 1 Now when they were gone their way, Iudith went into her closet, put on a heery smocke, strawed ashes vpon her head, fell downe before the Lorde, and cryed vnto him, saying: 2 O Lorde God of my father Simeon, which gauest him a sword for a defence against the enemies that vsed violence in their vncleannesse, and that rauished the virgin, [and] put her to shame and confusion: 3 Thou that gauest their wyues into a pray, and their daughters into captiuitie, and all their pray for a spoyle vnto thy seruauntes which bare a zeale vnto thee: helpe me wydowe, O Lorde my God I beseche thee. 4 For thou hast made the first thinges: and after that, looke what thou hast taken in hande and deuised, it came euer to passe. 5 For all thy wayes are prepared, and thy iudgementes are put in thy euerlasting foreknowledge. 6 O looke now vpon the armies of the Assyrians, lyke as it was thy pleasure sometime to looke vpon the hoast of the Egyptians, when they being weaponed persecuted thy seruauntes, and put their trust in their charettes, horsemen, and in the multitude of their men of warre. 7 But thou lookedst vpon their hoast, casting a thicke darkenesse before them. 8 And when they came into the deepe, the waters ouerwhelmed them. 9 Euen so Lord, let it go with these that trust in the power & multitude of their men of warre, in their charets, arrowes, and speares: 10 And know not that thou onely art our God which destroyest warres from the beginning, and that thou art the Lord. 11 O lyft vp thyne arme [now] lyke as euer from the beginning, and in thy power bryng their power to naught: cause their might to fall in thy wrath, which make their boast that they wyll vnhallowe and defile thy sanctuarie, and to waste the tabernacle of thy name, and to cast downe the horne of thyne aulter with their sword. 12 Bryng to passe O Lord, that the pryde of the enemie may be cut downe with his owne sword. 13 That he may be taken with the snare of his eyes in me, and that thou mayest smyte him with the lyppes of my loue. 14 O geue me a stedfast mynde, that I may despyse him and his strength, and that I may destroy him. 15 This shall bryng thy name an euerlasting remembraunce, if the hande of a woman ouerthrowe him. 16 For thy power O Lord standeth not in the multitude [of men] neither hast thou any pleasure in the strength of horses, neither was there from the beginning any proude persons that pleased thee: but in the prayer of the humble & meeke hath thy pleasure ben euermore. 17 O thou God of the heauens, thou maker of the waters, and Lorde of all creatures, heare me poore woman calling vpon thee and putting my trust in thy mercy. 18 Remember thy couenaunt O Lorde, and minister wordes in my mouth, and stablishe this deuice in my heart, that thy house may continue still in holynes: 19 And that all the heathen may knowe that thou art God, & that there is none other but thou.