1 And so Tobias made an end of speaking: And after that Tobias had gotten his sight againe, he lyued fouretie & two yeres, & sawe his childers children.
2 Nowe when he was an hundred and two yeres olde [he dyed, and] was buried honorably in Niniue.
3 For when he was sixe and fiftie yeres of age, he lost the sight of his eyes: and when he was three score yeres olde, he gate his sight againe.
4 The residue of his lyfe led he in ioy, and increased well in the feare of God, and departed in peace.
5 But in the houre of his death he called vnto him his sonne Tobias, and seuen young springaldes his sonnes children, and saide vnto them:
6 The destruction of Niniue is at hand, (for the word of the Lord can not fayle) and our brethren that are scattered out of the lande of Israel, shall come thyther agayne.
7 And the whole lande of it that hath ben waste, shall be filled, and the house of God that was brent in it, shal be builded againe: and all such as feare God, shall returne thyther,
8 The heathen then also shall forsake their idols, and come to Hierusalem, and dwell there:
9 And all the kinges of the earth shalbe glad in her, and worship the Lord God of Israel.
10 And therefore my children, heare your father, serue the Lorde in the trueth, seeke after his wyll to do the thing that pleaseth him:
11 Commaunde your children that they do right, geue almes, be mindefull of God, and euer to be thankefull vnto him in trueth and with all their power.
12 Heare me now therefore my children, and abyde not here: but in what day so euer ye haue buryed your mother by me in one sepulchre, get you from hence:
13 For I see that the wickednesse of it shall bring it to [destruction and] end.
14 After the death of his mother, Tobias departed away from Niniue, with his wife, and children, and with his childers children, and came againe to his father and mother in lawe,
15 And founde them whole and in a good age, and toke the care of them: and he closed their eyes, and was heyre vnto all Raguels goodes, and sawe the fyft generation, and his childers children.
16 And ninetie and nine yeres beyng ended in the feare of God, they buried him with ioye.
17 And al his kindred and posteritie continued in a good life and holy conuersation: so that they were loued and accepted both of God and men, and of all the people of the lande.