Hebrews 2:6-13

CLV(i) 6 Yet somewhere someone certifies, saying, "What is man, that Thou art mindful of him, Or a son of mankind, that Thou art visiting him? 7 Thou makest him some bit inferior to messengers, With glory and honor Thou wreathest him, And dost place him over the works of Thy hands." 8 All dost Thou subject underneath his feet.For in the subjection of all to him, He leaves nothing unsubject to him. Yet now we are not as yet seeing all subject to him." 9 Yet we are observing Jesus, Who has been made some bit inferior to messengers (because of the suffering of death, wreathed with glory and honor), so that in the grace of God, He should be tasting death for the sake of everyone." 10 For it became Him, because of Whom all is, and through Whom all is, in leading many sons into glory, to perfect the Inaugurator of their salvation through sufferings." 11 For both He Who is hallowing and those who are being hallowed are all of One, for which cause He is not ashamed to be calling them brethren, 12 saying, I shall be reporting Thy name to My brethren, In the midst of the ecclesia shall I be singing hymns to Thee." 13 And again, I shall have confidence in Him. And again, Lo! I and the little children who are given Me by God!"