Isaiah 65:12-15

CLV(i) 12 I count you for the sword, and all of you for slaughter shall be hacked down. Because I called, yet you did not answer, I spoke, yet you did not hearken. And you are doing evil in My eyes. And what I do not desire, that you choose." 13 Therefore, thus says my Lord Yahweh, "Behold! My servants shall eat, yet you shall be famished. Behold! My servants shall drink, yet you shall thirst. Behold! My servants shall rejoice, yet you shall be ashamed." 14 Behold! My servants shall jubilate from a good heart, yet you shall cry from pain of heart, and from breaking of spirit shall you howl." 15 And you leave your name for an oath to My chosen.And you are put to death by my Lord Yahweh; yet He shall call His servants by another name."