Luke 12:16-21

CLV(i) 16 Now He told them a parable, saying, "The country place of a certain rich man bears well." 17 And he reasoned in himself, saying, 'What shall I be doing, seeing that I have no where to gather my fruits?'" 18 And he said, 'This will I be doing: I will pull down my barns, and greater ones will I build, and I will gather there all my grain and my good things." 19 And I will be declaring to my soul, "Soul, many good things have you laid up for many years. Rest, eat, drink, make merry."'" 20 Yet God said to him, 'Imprudent one! In this night your soul are they demanding from you. Now, what you make ready, whose will it be?'" 21 Thus is he who is hoarding for himself and is not rich for God."