Philippians 4:4-9

Diaglott(i) 4 Rejoice you in Lord always; again I say, rejoice you. 5 The gentleness of you let be known to all men. The Lord near; 6 nothing be you over-careful, but in everything by the prayer and by the supplication with thanksgiving the requests of you let be made known to the God; 7 and the peace of the God that surpassing all conception, will guard the hearts of you and the minds of you in Anointed Jesus. 8 The remaining, brethren, what things is, true, what things honorable, what things just, what things pure, what things amiable, what things of good report, if any virtue and if any praise, these things attentively consider; 9 what things also you learned and you received, and you heard and you saw in me, these things perform you; and the God of the peace shall be with you.