Wisdom of Solomon

Geneva(i) 1 Love righteousnesse, ye that be Iudges of the earth: thinke reuerently of the Lord, and seeke him in simplicitie of heart. 2 For he wil be found of them that tempt him not, and appeareth vnto such as be not vnfaithfull vnto him. 3 For wicked thoughts separate from God: and his power when it is tried, reprooueth the vnwise, 4 Because wisdome cannot enter into a wicked heart, nor dwell in the body that is subiect vnto sinne. 5 For the holy Spirit of discipline fleeth from deceite, & withdraweth himselfe from the thoughts that are without vnderstanding, and is rebuked when wickednes commeth. 6 For the Spirit of wisdome is louing, and wil not absolue him, that blasphemeth with his lips: for God is a witnes of his reines, and a true beholder of his heart, and an hearer of the tongue. 7 For the Spirite of the Lorde filleth all the world: and the same that mainteineth all things, hath knowledge of the voyce. 8 Therefore hee that speaketh vnrighteous things, cannot be hid: neither shall the iudgement of reproche let him escape. 9 For inquisition shalbe made for the thoughts of the vngodly, and the sound of his wordes shall come vnto God for the correction of his iniquities. 10 For the eare of ielousie heareth al things, and the noyse of the grudgings shall not be hid. 11 Therefore beware of murmuring, which profiteth nothing, and refraine your tongue from slander: for there is no worde so secret, that shal go for nought, and the mouth that speaketh lyes, slayeth the soule. 12 Seeke not death in the errour of your life: destroy not your selues thorowe the workes of your owne hands. 13 For God hath not made death, neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the liuing. 14 For he created all things, that they might haue their being: and the generations of the world are preserued, and there is no poyson of destruction in them, & the kingdome of hell is not vpon earth. 15 For righteousnes is immortall, but vnrighteousnes bringeth death. 16 And the vngodly call it vnto them both with hands and wordes: and while they thinke to haue a friend of it, they come to naught: for they are confederate with it: therefore are they worthy to be partakers thereof.