Genesis 49:22-26

ISV(i) 22 On the Future of Joseph“Joseph is descended from a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine planted near springs of water. His branches climb over walls. 23 Even though enemies attacked him, shooting at him and pursuing him viciously, 24 nevertheless his bow remained steady and his arms kept in shape by the strength of Jacob’s Mighty One, in the name of the Shepherd, Israel’s Rock, 25 by your father’s God who helps you, by the Almighty who will keep on blessing you with blessings from heaven above, with blessings from the deepest ocean, with blessing from the breasts and the womb. 26 Your father’s blessings will prove to be stronger than blessings from the eternal mountains or bounties from the everlasting hills. May they come to rest on Joseph’s head, May they be set upon the brow of the one who was separated from his own brothers.”