1 Corinthians 9:24-26

JMNT(i) 24 Have you folks not seen, so as to know, that those progressively running, on the race-course within a stadium, are indeed all progressively running (or: constantly and repeatedly racing), yet one normally (= each time) grasps (takes; receives) the contest prize (victor's award)? Be habitually running (progressively racing) so that you folks can (may; would) seize and take [it] down in your hands! 25 Now every person habitually engaging in a contest (participating in the violent struggle of the public athletic games) constantly exercises inner strength and self-control in all things, and among all folks: those, of course, therefore [do it] so that they may (can) grasp (take; receive) a corruptible wreath that will soon wither, yet we an incorruptible (un-withering) one. 26 So now, I myself am constantly running (racing) in this manner – not as without clear visibility of the goal (not in an uncertain or aimless manner which lacks clear purpose); thus I am habitually boxing – not as repeatedly flaying (= punching) air.