Ephesians 4:17-19

JMNT(i) 17 This, then, I am continually saying and giving evidence of (or: attesting) within the Lord: no longer are you to be continuously walking [your path] (i.e., conducting yourself; adjusting your behavior) according to the way that the nations (the multitudes; the non-Israelites; the Gentiles; the ethnic or special or pagan groups) are continuously walking around (ordering their behavior) within the emptiness (vanity; frivolity; futility) of their mind (or: intellect), 18 being folks having been, any still yet being, darkened in (or: by) the divided thought and the thing passing through the mind, having been and continuing being alienated (estranged) away from the Life of God (or: God's life; or the life which is God) through the ignorance continuously existing (or: being) within them [and] through the petrifying (becoming stone; callousness; = insensitivity) of their heart, 19 which certain people, being folks having ceased to feel pain (being insensible or callous), gave themselves over (abandoned themselves) to outrageous behavior (excessive indulgence; wantonness; licentiousness), into every unclean performance (work, trade, business or labor of impurity) in greed (always wanting more; covetousness; schemes of extortion; = wanting more than ones due, in disregard for others).