John 16:27-30

JMNT(i) 27 "for the Father, Himself, continuously likes, has fond affection for, and is constantly friendly to you people, because you have liked and been friendly to, and even have shown fond affection for Me, and further, you folks have trusted and still believe that I came out from God's side (or: came forth from beside God). 28 "I came from out of the midst of [other MSS: I went forth from beside] the Father and I have come into the ordered arrangement (the world; the System of culture, religion, economics and politics; or: the aggregate of humanity). I am progressively forgiving the aggregate of humanity (or: releasing the system of culture and religion; or: leaving the ordered arrangement), and then I am progressively journeying on (traveling to another place), directed to and facing toward the Father." 29 His disciples are then saying to Him, "Look! (See!) You are now speaking in [the] outspoken boldness of speech of a citizen, and are saying not even one comparative illustration. 30 "Now we have seen and continue to know that You have seen and know all things (or: everything) and have no need that anyone keep on questioning You. Within this we constantly trust and progressively believe that You came forth from out of God."