Mark 10:28-31

JMNT(i) 28 Peter began to speak his thoughts to Him, "Look (or: Take into consideration), we ourselves at once abandoned everything and have followed You!" 29 Jesus affirmed, "It is so (Amen). I now say to you folks, there is not even one person who leaves (or: releases; lets flow away) a house, or brothers, or sisters, or mother, or father, or children, or fields (or: farms; lands; estates) on My account, and on account of the good news (the message of goodness, ease and well-being), 30 "who would (or: may; should) not get (or: receive) one hundred times as much now (at the present time) – within this appointed season (or: fitting situation): houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields (farms; lands; estates), along with their pursuits (or: with the effects and results of hurry, rapid motion and pressing after [things]; or: accompanied by persecutions), then, within the progressively coming age, life pertaining to that age (or: eonian life; life which has the qualities and character of the Age [of Messiah]; life whose source is the Age; life of and for the ages). 31 "Yet many first ones will proceed being last ones, and the last ones first ones (or: there are many [who are] first who will be existing last; and those last [who will be existing] first)." [comment: reversals seems to be a common ingredient to the kingdom; the Jews had been "in first place" and the good news came to them first; still, first and last describe a whole – all are included]