Revelation 13:11-15

JMNT(i) 11 Next I saw another little animal (little creature or beast), progressively stepping up out of the midst of the Land (or: earth), and it had two horns like a little lamb, yet it was, and continued, speaking as [the] dragon, 12 and it is continually exercising (doing, performing, executing) all the authority of the first little animal (or: little wild beast) within its presence (before it; in its sight), and it repeatedly makes the Land (or: forms the earth) and those dwelling in her, to the end that they would (or: may) worship the first little animal (little creature or wild beast) whose death blow was cured (or: treated). 13 And it is continually making (doing; constructing; performing; producing) great signs (wonders; miracles; marks; inscriptions), to the end that it may even repeatedly make (a) fire to continuously (or: repeatedly) descend from out of the atmosphere (or: sky; or: heaven) into the Land (or: earth) within the presence of (in sight of) the people (or: humans). 14 It also continually leads astray (causes to wander; deceives) those [other MSS read: Mine] who are continuously dwelling upon the Land (or: earth), because of the signs which it was (or: is) given to it to perform (or: allowed to do, make or construct) in the presence of (before; in sight of) the [first] little animal (little creature or wild beast). [It is] constantly saying – to those habitually dwelling upon the Land (or: earth) – to make (or: construct) an image (likeness; resemblance; an icon) to (or: for) the little animal (little wild beast) which continuously has the blow (wound; stripe) of the sword, yet lives. 15 And it was given to it (or: allowed for her) to give spirit (breath; a spirit) to the image (or: icon) of the [first] little animal (little wild beast) so that the image (or: icon) of the little animal can both speak and can cause (or: make it; arrange) that whoever would not worship the image of the [first] little animal would (or: should) be killed.