Revelation 6:14-17

JMNT(i) 14 And then the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven) was parted away, as a little scroll being progressively rolled up, and every mountain (or: hill) and [every] island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the Land (or: earth), and the great ones, and the commanders of thousands, and the wealthy (rich) folks, and the strong ones, and every slave, and every free one, [all] hid themselves into the caves and into the midst of the rocks of the mountains, 16 repeatedly saying to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall upon us and hide us [Hos. 10:8] from the Face of the One continuously sitting upon the throne, and from the inherent fervor (natural impulse and propensity; internal swelling and teeming passion of desire; or: anger, wrath and indignation) of the little Lamb." 17 Because the great Day of their [other MSS: His] inherent fervor (internal swelling emotion, teeming and passionate desire; impulse; or: anger, wrath and indignation; or: natural bent) comes (or: came), and who (which one) is continuously able (or: continues having power) to be made to stand (or: to be established)?