Romans 4:17-19

JMNT(i) 17 According as it has been and stands written, "A father of many multitudes (nations; ethnic groups) I have placed (put; set; deposited) you" [Gen. 17:5] – [while he was being] down in the midst of and facing [the One] Whom (or: down in a place that was in opposition, of which; or: in line with and in union with, yet being on the opposite side of the matter) he believed, which was God (or: he trusted in [the message] which was God; or: he relied upon [the idea] which [came] from God; or: he gained confidence from God) – the One continuously (habitually; or: repeatedly; periodically) making the dead ones alive, and (or: even) continuously calling (or: repeatedly and habitually summoning) the things not existing as existing (or: = not being into continuously being) – 18 who, to the side of expectation (or: more than or beyond expectation; beside hope; near the side of expectation) trusted (believed; relied; put faith) upon expectation (or: hope) into the [situation for] him to become (to bring himself into being) a father of many multitudes (nations; ethnic groups), in accord with (down from and in line with) that having been and still being spoken (or: declared), "Thus shall progressively be your seed (or: offspring; descendants)." 19 And so, not being weak (without strength; infirm) in this faith, trust and loyalty, he attentively considered (studied, thought and perceived down upon) his own body by this time (or: already) having been made dead (or: deadened), subsisting in the circumstances of (or: beginning to be under the possession of) about one hundred years, as well as (or: also; and; even) the state of deadness (or: deadening) of Sarah’s womb,