Acts 17:5-9

Lamsa(i) 5 But the Jews, being jealous, secured a band of bad men from the streets of the city and formed a great mob, who caused disturbances in the city, and who came and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out from it and deliver them to the mob. 6 And when they failed to find them there, they dragged forth Jason and the brethren who were there and brought them before the authorities of the city, crying, These are the men who have created disturbances throughout the world, and behold, they have come here also, 7 And Jason has welcomed them: and all of them are against the decrees of CµÆsar, saying that there is another king, Jesus. 8 The authorities of the city and all the people were alarmed when they heard these things. 9 So they took bail from Jason and some of the brethren and then let them go.