Romans 13:10-14

Matthew(i) 10 Loue hurteth not hys neyghbour. Therfore is loue the fulfyllynge of the lawe. 11 Thys also we knowe, I meane the season, howe that it is tyme, that we should now awake oute of slepe. For nowe is oure saluacyon nearer, then when we beleued. 12 The night is passed, and the day is come ny. Let vs therfore caste awaye the dedes of darcknes, & let vs put on the Armoure of lyghte. 13 Let vs walke honestlye as it were in the daye lyght: not in eatynge and drynkynge: neyther in chamburynge and wantonnes, neyther in stryfe & enuiynge: 14 but put ye on the Lorde Iesus Christ. And make not prouysyon for the fleshe, to fulfyll the lustes of it.