Romans 2:17-29

Murdock(i) 17 But if thou, who art called a Jew, and reposest thyself on the law, and gloriest in God, 18 that thou knowest his good pleasure, and discernest obligations, because thou art instructed in the law; 19 and hast confidence in thyself, that thou art a guide to the blind, and a light to them who are in darkness, 20 and an instructor of those lacking knowledge, and a preceptor to the young; and thou hast the appearance of knowledge and of verity in the law : 21 Thou therefore, who teachest others, teachest thou not thyself? And thou who teachest that men must not steal, dost thou steal? 22 And thou who sayest, Men must not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? And thou who contemnest idols, dost thou plunder the sanctuary? 23 And thou who gloriest in the law, dost thou, by acting contrary to the law, insult God himself? 24 For, the name of God, as it is written, is reviled among the Gentiles on your account. 25 For circumcision profiteth, indeed, if thou fulfillest the law: but if thou departest from the law, thy circumcision becometh uncircumcision. 26 And if uncircumcision should keep the precepts of the law, would not that uncircumcision be accounted as circumcision? 27 And the uncircumcision, which from its nature fulfilleth the law, will judge thee; who, with the scripture, and with circumcision, transgressest against the law. 28 For he is not a Jew, who is so in what is external: nor is that circumcision, which is visible in the flesh. 29 But he is a Jew, who is so in what is hidden: and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise is not from men, but from God.