2 Peter 2:14-19

Rotherham(i) 14 Having, eyes, full of an adulteress, and that cannot rest from sin, enticing unstable souls, having, a heart trained in greed,––children of a curse,–– 15 Forsaking a straight path, they have gone astray, following out the way of Balaam [son] of Beor, who loved, a reward of wrong, 16 But had, a reproof, of his own transgression, a dumb beast of burden, in man’s voice, finding utterance, forbade the prophet’s madness. 17 These, are fountains without water, and mists, by a tempest, driven along,––for whom, the gloom of darkness, hath been reserved; 18 For, great swelling words of vanity, uttering, they entice with carnal covetings––in wanton ways––them who are, well–nigh, escaping from the men who, in error, have their behaviour; 19 Promising, freedom to them, they themselves, being all the while, slaves of corruption,––for, by whom one hath been defeated, by the same, hath he become enslaved,––