Daniel 9:25-27

Thomson(i) 25 Therefore thou art to know and understand, that from the going forth of a word for returning an answer and for building Jerusalem until an Anointed ruler are seven weeks, and sixty two weeks. They shall indeed return and a street shall be built and a wall, and these times shall be emptied out, 26 and after the sixty two weeks, the Messiah shall be cut off, though there is no crime in him; and he, with the ruler who is coming, will destroy the city and the sanctuary. They shall be destroyed with a deluge, and even to the end of the war determined on in course, with desolations. 27 Now one week shall confirm a covenant for many and in the half of that week my sacrifice and libation shall be taken away. And upon the temple shall be an abomination of the desolations, and at the end of a time, an end shall be put to that desolation.