Genesis 32:13-22

Thomson(i) 13 So he halted there that night and took presents of what he had brought and sent to his brother Esau 14 two hundred she-goats and twenty he-goats; two hundred ewes and twenty rams; 15 thirty milch camels with their thirty colts; forty cows and ten bulls; twenty asses and ten foles. 16 These he delivered to his servants, each drove by itself, and he said to his servants, Go on before me and make a small distance between drove and drove. 17 And he gave orders to the first saying, If my brother Esau meet thee and ask thee saying, To whom dost thou belong, and whither art thou going? And whose are these before thee? 18 thou shalt say, They belong to thy servant Jacob; presents which he hath sent to my lord Esau. And lo! he is behind us. 19 This charge he gave to the first, and to the second, and to the third, and to all who went before him after their droves, saying, In this manner speak to Esau when you meet him. 20 Moreover ye shall say, Behold thy servant Jacob is coming behind us. For he said, I will appease him with these previous gifts, and afterwards I will look him in the face, perhaps he will receive me favourably. 21 So the presents went on before him; but he lay that night in the camp. 22 And he arose in the night and took his two wives with the two handmaids and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of Jabok.