Hebrews 9:2-14

Williams(i) 2 For the first or outer part of the tent, which is called the holy place, was equipped with the lamp and table and the presentation bread. 3 But behind the second curtain is the tent that is called the holy of holies, 4 with its golden incense-altar and the chest for the covenant, completely covered with gold, and in it a golden jar which held the manna, Aaron's staff that budded, and the tablets on which the covenant was written; 5 and above the chest were the winged creatures, the symbols of God's glorious presence, overshadowing the mercy seat, of which I cannot now speak in detail. 6 With these arrangements completed in this way, the priests in conducting their official services regularly go into the outer part of the tent of worship; 7 but into the second or inner part nobody but the high priest may go, and he only once a year, and never without blood which he offers for himself and for the sins committed in ignorance by the people. 8 By this the Holy Spirit was showing that there was as yet no access to the real sanctuary while the outer tent was still in existence, 9 for it is merely a symbol of the present time in connection with which gifts and sacrifices are repeatedly offered though they cannot make the conscience of the worshiper perfect, 10 since they deal only with food and drink and various washings, that is, with mere material regulations which are in force only until the time of setting things straight. 11 But when Christ came as the High Priest of good things that have already taken place, He went by way of that greater and more perfect tent of worship, not made by human hands, that is, not belonging to this material creation, 12 and not with blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He once for all went into the real sanctuary and secured our eternal redemption. 13 For if the blood of bulls and goats and a heifer's ashes sprinkling those who are ceremonially unclean purifies them with physical cleansing, 14 how much more surely will the blood of Christ, who with an eternal Spirit gave Himself a spotless offering to God, purify your consciences from works that mean mere death, to serve the ever living God?