Ezekiel 34:2-5

YLT(i) 2 `Son of man, prophesy concerning shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and thou hast said unto them: To the shepherds, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Woe to the shepherds of Israel, Who have been feeding themselves! The flock do not the shepherds feed? 3 The fat ye do eat, and the wool ye put on, The fed one ye slaughter, the flock ye feed not. 4 The weak ye have not strengthened, And the sick one ye have not healed, And the broken ye have not bound up, And the driven away have not brought back, And the lost ye have not sought, And with might ye have ruled them and with rigour. 5 And they are scattered from want of a shepherd, And are for food to every beast of the field, Yea, they are scattered.