Luke 8:49 Cross References - Diaglott

49 While of him speaking, comes some one from of the synagogue-ruler’s, saying to him: That is dead the daughter of thee; not trouble thou the teacher.

Matthew 9:23-26

23 And coming the Jesus into the house of a ruler, and seeing the flute-players, and the crowd making noise, 24 says to them: Withdraw; not for is dead the girl, but sleeps. And they derided him. 25 When but they put out the crowd, he entering took hold of the hand of her; and was raised the girl. 26 And went forth the report this into all the land that.

Mark 5:35-43

35 While of him speaking, they came from the synagogue-ruler’s, saying: That the daughter of thee is dead; why yet troubled thou the teacher? 36 The but Jesus immediately, having heard the word being spoken, says to the synagogue-ruler: Not fear, only believe thou. 37 And not he suffered no one him to follow, except Peter, and James, and John the brother of James. 38 And he comes into the house of the synagogue-ruler, and he sees a tumult, and weeping and wailing much. 39 And having entered he says to them: Why are you troubled and do you weep? the child not is dead, but sleeps. 40 And they derided him. He but, having sent out all he takes the father of the child, and the mother and those with him, and goes in, where was the child. 41 And having grasped the hand of the child, he says to her: Talitha, cumi; which is being translated: The girl, to thee I say, arise. 42 And immediately arose the girl, and walked about; she was for years twelve. And they were astonished with an astonishment great. 43 And he charged them much, that no one might know this; and spake to have given to her to eat.

Luke 7:6

6 The and Jesus went with them. Already and of him not far being distant from the house, sent to him the centurion friends, saying to him: O sir, not be thou troubled; not for I am worthy, that under the roof of me thou shouldst enter;

Luke 8:41-43

41 And lo, came a man, to whom a name Jairus, and he a ruler of the synagogue was; and falling at the feet of the Jesus, besought him to come into the house of himself; 42 for a daughter only was to him about years twelve, and she was dying. In and to the to go him, the crowds pressed him. 43 And a woman being in a flow of blood from years twelve, who with physicians having expended whole the living, not had strength by any one to be cured;

Luke 11:7

7 And he from within answering should say: Not to me trouble do thou cause; already the door has been shut, and the children of me with me in the bed are; not I am able having arisen to give to thee.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.