Luke 8:49 Cross References - JMNT

49 While He is still speaking, a certain associate of the synagogue leader is presently coming, then is saying, "Your daughter has died. Do not any longer continue bothering the teacher."

Matthew 9:23-26

23 And so Jesus, coming into the ruler's house and seeing the flute players and the crowd continuing in being disturbed and thus making a commotion, 24 He began saying, "Withdraw and make room again! You see, the maiden (little girl) did not die, but rather she continues fast asleep." And so they began laughing at and ridiculing Him. 25 Now when the crowd had been thrown out, He, upon entering, took a firm hold of her hand – and the maiden (little girl) was roused and raised up (or: she got up)! 26 Of course, the story of this – like the fame of the utterance of an oracle – spread out into [the] whole of that land.

Mark 5:35-43

35 While He is still speaking, there are some men now coming from [the household] of the presiding officer (ruler) of the synagogue, proceeding to say [to him], "Your daughter died. Why continue to bother the teacher any further?" 36 Yet Jesus, at once hearing yet disregarding (ignoring) the message being then spoken, continues saying to the synagogue ruler, "Stop being caused to fear; only continue trusting (or: progressively believe; repeatedly use faith)." 37 Now He did not allow anyone to follow together with Him, except Peter, Jacob (James) and John, the brother of Jacob. 38 So they are proceeding to come into the house (home) of the synagogue official, and He continues gazing upon (watching and contemplating) a confused uproar (a tumultuous commotion) – even many folks continuously weeping (crying; lamenting) and repeatedly screaming (wailing loudly; similar to: making war cries). 39 On entering, He then says to them, "Why are you people being caused to continue with [this] confused uproar (tumultuous commotion) and being caused to constantly weep and lament? The child (or: little girl) did not die away, but to the contrary, she continues fast asleep." 40 And began laughing at Him and kept on ridiculing and scornfully mocking Him. But He, upon putting (or: casting; throwing; = forcing) everyone out, proceeds to take along the father and mother of the little girl – and those with Him (= His companions) – and continues making His way into where the little girl was reclining (lying back). 41 Then, taking a strong grip of the little girl's hand, He proceeds to say to her, "Talitha coumi (or: koum)," which is normally being translated and interpreted, "Little girl (or: Maiden; = Young lady), I am saying to you, wake up and proceed to arise (or: get up)." 42 And at once the little girl arose and stood up, and began walking around – for she was about twelve years old. And immediately they were [D adds: all] beside themselves in great ecstasy and amazement – being put out of their normal stance. 43 Then He made a determination and fully arranged many things for them, so that no one would know this, and said something should be given to her to eat.

Luke 7:6

6 So Jesus journeyed on with them. But at His already being then not far distant from the house, the centurion sent friends, [to be] presently saying to Him, "O sir (or: Lord; master), do not continue being bothered (or: having to take the trouble) [with this], for I am not fit (or: qualified [= ceremonially clean]; or: [important] enough; of sufficient [social standing]) that you should enter under my roof (or: covering).

Luke 8:41-43

41 Then – look, and consider! – an adult man whose name [was] Jairus – and this man existed being a leader (or: ruler; presiding official) of the synagogue – came, and upon falling beside the feet of Jesus, began calling Him to his side for help, continuing to entreat Him to [come and] enter into his house, 42 because there was with and for him an only-daughter – about twelve years old – and she, herself, was progressively dying off. Now during the [situation for] Him to be progressively leading the way and bring things under control, the crowd continued crowding together around Him to the point of almost overwhelming and suffocating – as it were, strangling – Him. 43 At the same time (or: In this situation), [there was] a woman who – being continuously in a [condition of] a flowing issue of blood (a hemorrhage) for twelve years [and] one who was spending [her] whole livelihood on physicians – had no strength... [able] to be cured [by] no one.

Luke 11:7

7 "And that person giving a decided reply from inside may be saying, 'Do not continue providing and holding out troubles and weariness for me (= Stop bothering me)! The door has already been shut and locked, and my young children are now [put] into bed with me – I am now unable [to be] rising up to give [something] to (or: for) you.'

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.