Luke 8:41-43

JMNT(i) 41 Then – look, and consider! – an adult man whose name [was] Jairus – and this man existed being a leader (or: ruler; presiding official) of the synagogue – came, and upon falling beside the feet of Jesus, began calling Him to his side for help, continuing to entreat Him to [come and] enter into his house, 42 because there was with and for him an only-daughter – about twelve years old – and she, herself, was progressively dying off. Now during the [situation for] Him to be progressively leading the way and bring things under control, the crowd continued crowding together around Him to the point of almost overwhelming and suffocating – as it were, strangling – Him. 43 At the same time (or: In this situation), [there was] a woman who – being continuously in a [condition of] a flowing issue of blood (a hemorrhage) for twelve years [and] one who was spending [her] whole livelihood on physicians – had no strength... [able] to be cured [by] no one.