Jeremiah 6:29 Cross References - Thomson

29 The bellows could not stand the fire: the lead is consumed. In vain doth the silversmith try to extract silver. Their wickedness was not to be melted.

Proverbs 17:3

3 As silver and gold are tried in a furnace; so are chosen hearts, by the Lord.

Isaiah 49:4

4 Whereupon I said, "I have laboured in vain; for vanity and for nought I have spent my strength; therefore my cause is with the Lord; and my labour is before my God."

Jeremiah 9:7

7 therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold I will melt them and try them. What else can I do on account of the wickedness of the daughter of my people?

Ezekiel 24:13

13 Its verdigrease shall be exposed to shame. Because thou wast polluted what else could be done, since thou wouldst not be cleansed till I filled up my wrath?

Hosea 11:7

7 [p] His people are indeed in imminent danger of being removed from their dwelling, will God be provoked against his honours so as never to exalt him?

Zechariah 13:9

9 And when I have passed this third part through fire, and tried them as silver is tried, and proved them as gold is proved; this people will invoke My name and I will hear them and say, this is my people, and they will say, the Lord is my God.

Malachi 3:2-3

2 And who can abide the day of his coming? Or who can stand his appearance? Since he is coming like the fire of a refiner's furnace; and like the soap of the fullers. 3 He will sit refining and purifying and will purify the sons of Levi like the silver and gold, and melt them like the gold and silver. Then shall they offer to the Lord a sacrifice in righteousness

1 Peter 1:7

7 in order that your faith, which hath stood the test and is much more precious than gold which is of a perishable nature though tried by fire, may be found praise worthy, and honourable, and glorious, at the manifestation of Jesus Christ,

1 Peter 4:12

12 Beloved, be not surprized at the fiery trial among you, which is come upon you to try you, as if some strange thing had befallen you:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.