Numbers 6:21

  6:21   3778 ούτος This is 3588 ο the 3551 νόμος law 3588 του of the 2172 ευξαμένου one making a vow; 3739 ος who 302 αν ever 2172 εύξηται should make a vow 2962 κυρίω to the lord 1435-1473 δώρον αυτού of his gift 3588 τω to the 2962 κυρίω lord, 4012 περί concerning 3588 της the 2171 ευχής vow, 5565 χωρίς separate from 3739 ων what 302 αν ever 2147 εύρη [2should find 3588 η   5495-1473 χειρ αυτού 1his hand] 2596 κατά according to 1411 δύναμιν ability 3588 της   2171-1473 ευχής αυτού of his vow, 3739 ης of what 302 αν ever 2172 εύξηται he should have vowed 2596 κατά according to 3588 τον the 3551 νόμον law 47-1473 αγνείας αυτού of his purity.