H1644 גּרשׁ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number

A primitive root; to drive out from a possession; especially to expatriate or divorce

KJV Usage: cast up (out), divorced (woman), drive away (forth, out), expel, X surely put away, trouble, thrust out.

Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions



1. to drive out, expel, cast out, drive away, divorce, put away, thrust away, trouble, cast up
a. (Qal) to thrust out, cast out
b. (Niphal) to be driven away, be tossed
c. (Piel) to drive out, drive away
d. (Pual) to be thrust out
Origin: a primitive root
TWOT: 388
Parts of Speech: Verb

to drive out
1) to drive out, expel, cast out, drive away, divorce, put away, thrust away, trouble, cast up
1a) (Qal) to thrust out, cast out
1b) (Niphal) to be driven away, be tossed
1c) (Piel) to drive out, drive away
1d) (Pual) to be thrust out

View how H1644 גּרשׁ is used in the Bible

First 30 of 46 occurrences of H1644 גּרשׁ

Genesis 3:24 So he drove out
Genesis 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me
Genesis 21:10 Drive out
Exodus 2:17 and drove them away:
Exodus 6:1 shall he drive them from
Exodus 10:11 And they were driven out
Exodus 11:1 he shall surely
Exodus 11:1 drive you out
Exodus 12:39 because they were driven
Exodus 23:28 thee, which shall drive out
Exodus 23:29 I will not drive them out
Exodus 23:30 I will drive them out
Exodus 23:31 and thou shalt drive them out
Exodus 33:2 thee; and I will drive out
Exodus 34:11 behold, I drive out
Leviticus 21:7 driven out
Leviticus 21:14 or a driven out woman,
Leviticus 22:13 or driven out,
Numbers 22:6 them, and that I may drive them out
Numbers 22:11 them, and drive them out.
Numbers 30:9 and of her that is driven out,
Deuteronomy 33:27 and he shall drive out
Joshua 24:12 you, which drove them out
Joshua 24:18 drove out
Judges 2:3 I will not drive them out
Judges 6:9 you, and drove them out
Judges 9:41 drove out
Judges 11:2 and they drove out
Judges 11:7 me, and drive
1 Samuel 26:19 for they have driven

Distinct usage

3 drove out
2 I will drive them out
2 I will not drive them out
2 Drive out
1 So he drove out
1 shall he drive them from
1 because they were driven
1 them, and that I may drive them out
1 me, and drive
1 they shall drive out
1 They were driven forth
1 Behold, thou hast driven me
1 And they were driven out
1 thee; and I will drive out
1 behold, I drive out
1 thee, which shall drive out
1 you, which drove them out
1 you, and drove them out
1 and drove them away:
1 them, and drive them out.
1 and thou shalt drive them out
1 with him: I have driven him out
1 by driving out
1 he shall surely
1 drive you out
1 and he shall drive out
1 and they drove out
1 to drive us out
1 He drove out
1 thou didst drive out
1 and it shall be driven out
1 have ye driven out
1 I am driven out
1 are like the driven
1 drive up
1 nor her that is driven out:
1 or a driven out woman,
1 or driven out,
1 driven out
1 and of her that is driven out,
1 for they have driven

Corresponding Greek Words

garash G853 aphanizo
garash G2831 kludonizomai
garash ni. see G683 st. ap otheo
garash pi,qal,pu G1544 ek ballo
garash pi. G630 apo luo
garash pi. G641 apo ripto
garash pi. G1546 ek bole
garash pi. G1610 ek rizoo
garash pi. G1808 ex airo
garash pi. G1821 ex apo stello
garash pi. G3351 met oikizo

Related words


H1645 גּרשׁ geresh
From H1644; produce (as if expelled)

KJV Usage: put forth.

H1646 גּרשׁה ge rûshâh
ge rûshâh
Feminine passive participle of H1644; (abstractly) dispossession

KJV Usage: exaction.

H1648 גּרשׁום גּרשׁון gêre shôn gêre shôm
גּרשׁום גּרשׁון
gêre shôn gêre shôm
gay-resh-one', gay-resh-ome'
From H1644; a refugee; Gereshon or Gereshom, an Israelite

KJV Usage: Gershon, Gershom.

H4054 מגרשׁה מגרשׁ migrâsh migrâshâh
מגרשׁה מגרשׁ
migrâsh migrâshâh

mig-rawsh', mig-raw-shaw'
From H1644; a suburb (that is, open country whither flocks are driven for pasture); hence the area around a building, or the margin of the sea

KJV Usage: cast out, suburb.