Romans 15:8-12

AUV(i) 8 For I tell you that Christ was [appointed] to be a servant of the circumcised ones [i.e., the Jews], in order to uphold the truth of God. This was so He could confirm [as valid] the promises made to our forefathers, 9 and so that the Gentiles [also] may honor God for His mercy, as it is written [Psa. 18:49], “Therefore, I will praise you among the Gentiles and sing to your name.” [Note: Paul here accommodates the words of King David by applying them to Jews participating with Gentiles in praising God as part of the one body]. 10 And again it says [Deut. 32:43], “Rejoice with His people [i.e., the Jews], you Gentiles.” 11 And again [Psa. 117:1], “Praise the Lord, all of you Gentiles, and let all the nations praise Him.” 12 And again, Isaiah says [11:10], “A root [i.e., a descendant] from Jesse will appear [i.e., Christ], and He will rise up to rule over the nations, and the Gentiles will place their hope in Him.”