Proverbs 17

Bishops(i) 1 Better is a drye morsell with quietnesse, then a house full of fat offeryng with strife 2 A discrete seruaunt shall haue rule ouer a lewde sonne, and shal haue heritage with the brethren 3 As siluer is tryed in the fire, and golde in the furnace: so doth the Lorde proue the heartes 4 A wicked body geueth heede to false lippes, and a lyer geueth eare to a deceiptfull tongue 5 Who so scorneth the poore, blasphemeth his maker: and he that is glad at [another mans] hurt, shall not be vnpunished 6 Childers children are a crowne of the aged, and the fathers are the honour of the children 7 Speache of aucthoritie becommeth not a foole, much lesse a lying mouth then beseemeth a prince 8 A gyft is as a precious stone vnto hym that hath it: but vnto whom soeuer it turneth, it maketh hym vnwise 9 Who so couereth a fault, procureth loue: but he that discloseth it, deuideth very frendes 10 One reproofe more feareth a wise man, then an hundred stripes doth a foole 11 A seditious person seketh mischiefe, and a cruell messenger shalbe sent agaynst hym 12 It were better to meete a shee beare robbed of her whelpes, then a foole [trusting] in his foolishnesse 13 Who so rewardeth euill for good, euil shall not depart from his house 14 The beginning of strife is, as when a man maketh an issue for water: therfore leaue of before the contention be medled with 15 The Lorde hateth as well hym that iustifieth the vngodly, as him that condempneth the innocent 16 Whereto hath a foole treasure in his hande to bye wisdome, seeing he hath no minde therto 17 He is a frende that alway loueth, and in aduersitie a man shall knowe who is his brother 18 Who so promiseth by the hande and is suretie for his neighbour, he is a foole 19 He that delighteth in sinne, loueth strife: and who so setteth his doore to hye, seeketh destruction 20 Who so hath a frowarde heart, obteyneth no good: and he that hath a double tongue, shall fall into mischiefe 21 He that begetteth a foole, begetteth his sorowe: and the father of a foole can haue no ioy 22 A mery heart make a lustie age: but a sorowfull minde dryeth vp the bones 23 The vngodly taketh gyftes out of the bosome, to wrest the wayes of iudgement 24 Wisdome [shineth] in the face of hym that hath vnderstanding: but the eyes of fooles wander throughout al landes 25 An vndiscrete sonne is a griefe vnto his father: and an heauinesse vnto his mother 26 Certaynely to condempne the iust is not good: nor to strike the gouernours whiche iudge rightly 27 A wyse man vseth fewe wordes, and a man of vnderstanding is of a pacient spirite 28 Yea, a very foole when he holdeth his tongue is counted wise: and he that stoppeth his lippes is esteemed prudent