Psalms 66:1-119:176

Brenton(i) 1 (65:1) For the end, a Song of Psalm of resurrection. Shout unto God, all the earth. 2 (65:2) O sing praises to his name; give glory to his praise. 3 (65:3) Say unto God, How awful are thy works! through the greatness of thy power thine enemies shall lie to thee. 4 (65:4) Let all the earth worship thee, and sing to thee; let them sing to thy name. Pause. 5 (65:5) Come and behold the works of God; he is terrible in his counsels beyond the children of men. 6 (65:6) Who turns the sea into dry land; they shall go through the river on foot; there shall we rejoice in him, 7 (65:7) who by his power is Lord over the age, his eyes look upon the nations; let not them that provoke him be exalted in themselves. Pause. 8 (65:8) Bless our God, ye Gentiles, and make the voice of his praise to be heard; 9 (65:9) who quickens my soul in life, and does not suffer my feet to be moved. 10 (65:10) For thou, O God, has proved us; thou hast tried us with fire as silver is tried. 11 (65:11) Thou broughtest us into the snare; thou laidest afflictions on our back. 12 (65:12) Thou didst mount men upon our heads; we went through the fire and water; but thou broughtest us out into a place of refreshment. 13 (65:13) I will go into thine house with whole-burnt-offerings; I will pay thee my vows, 14 (65:14) which my lips framed, and my mouth uttered in my affliction. 15 (65:15) I will offer to thee whole-burnt-sacrifices full of marrow, with incense and rams; I will sacrifice to thee oxen with goats. Pause. 16 (65:16) Come, hear, and I will tell, all ye that fear God, how great things he has done for my soul. 17 (65:17) I cried to him with my mouth, and exalted him with my tongue. 18 (65:18) If I have regarded iniquity in my heart, let not the Lord hearken to me. 19 (65:19) Therefore God has hearkened to me; he has attended to the voice of my prayer. 20 (65:20) Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me. 67 1 (66:1) For the end, a Psalm of David among the Hymns. God be merciful to us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us. Pause. 2 (66:2) That men may know thy way on the earth, thy salvation among all nations. 3 (66:3) Let the nations, O God, give thanks to thee; let all the nations give thanks to thee. 4 (66:4) Let the nations rejoice and exult, for thou shalt judge the peoples in equity, and shalt guide the nations on the earth. Pause. 5 (66:5) Let the peoples, O God, give thanks to thee; let all the peoples give thanks to thee. 6 (66:6) The earth has yielded her fruit; let God, our God bless us. 7 (66:7) Let God bless us; and let all the ends of the earth fear him. 68 1 (67:1) For the end, a Psalm of a Song by David. Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered; and let them that hate him flee from before him. 2 (67:2) As smoke vanishes, let them vanish: as wax melts before the fire, so let the sinners perish from before God. 3 (67:3) But let the righteous rejoice; let them exult before God: let them be delighted with joy. 4 (67:4) Sing to God, sing praises to his name: make a way for him that rides upon the west (the Lord is his name) and exult before him. They shall be troubled before the face of him, 5 (67:5) who is the father of the orphans, and judge of the widows: such is God in his holy place. 6 (67:6) God settles the solitary in a house; leading forth prisoners mightily, also them that act provokingly, even them that dwell in tombs. 7 (67:7) O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people, when thou wentest through the wilderness; Pause: 8 (67:8) the earth quaked, yea, the heavens dropped water at the presence of the God of Sina, at the presence of the God of Israel. 9 (67:9) O God, thou wilt grant to thine inheritance a gracious rain; for it was weary, but thou didst refresh it. 10 (67:10) Thy creatures dwell in it: thou hast in thy goodness prepared for the poor. 11 (67:11) The Lord God will give a word to them that preach it in a great company. 12 (67:12) The king of the forces of the beloved, of the beloved, will even grant them for the beauty of the house to divide the spoils. 13 (67:13) Even if ye should lie among the lots, ye shall have the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her breast with yellow gold. 14 (67:14) When the heavenly One scatters kings upon it, they shall be made snow-white in Selmon. 15 (67:15) The mountain of God is a rich mountain; a swelling mountain, a rich mountain. 16 (67:16) Wherefore do ye conceive evil, ye swelling mountains? this is the mountain which God has delighted to dwell in; yea, the Lord will dwell in it for ever. 17 (67:17) The chariots of God are ten thousand fold, thousands of rejoicing ones: the Lord is among them, in Sina, in the holy place. 18 (67:18) Thou art gone up on high, thou hast led captivity captive, thou hast received gifts for man, yea, for they were rebellious, that thou mightest dwell among them. 19 (67:19) Blessed be the Lord God, blessed be the Lord daily; and the God of our salvation shall prosper us. Pause. 20 (67:20) Our God is the God of salvation; and to the Lord belong the issues from death. 21 (67:21) But God shall crust the heads of his enemies; the hairy crown of them that go on in their trespasses. 22 (67:22) The Lord said, I will bring again from Basan, I will bring my people again through the depths of the sea. 23 (67:23) That thy foot may be dipped in blood, and the tongue of thy dogs be stained with that of thine enemies. 24 (67:24) Thy goings, O God, have been seen; the goings of my God, the king, in the sanctuary. 25 (67:25) The princes went first, next before the players on instruments, in the midst of damsels playing on timbrels. 26 (67:26) Praise God in the congregations, the Lord from the fountains of Israel. 27 (67:27) There is Benjamin the younger one in ecstasy, the princes of Juda their rulers, the princes of Zabulon, the princes of Nephthali. 28 (67:28) O God, command thou thy strength: strengthen, O God, this which thou hast wrought in us. 29 (67:29) Because of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents to thee. 30 (67:30) Rebuke the wild beasts of the reed: let the crowd of bulls with the heifers of the nations be rebuked, so that they who have been proved with silver may not be shut out: scatter thou the nations that wish for wars. 31 (67:31) Ambassadors shall arrive out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall hasten to stretch out her hand readily to God. 32 (67:32) Sing to God, ye kingdoms of the earth; sing psalms to the Lord. Pause. 33 (67:33) Sing to God that rides on the heaven of heaven, eastward: lo, he will utter a mighty sound with his voice. 34 (67:34) Give ye glory to God: his excellency is over Israel, and his power is in the clouds. 35 (67:35) God is wonderful in his holy places, the God of Israel: he will give power and strength to his people: blessed be God. 69 1 (68:1) For the end, a Psalm of David, for alternate strains. Save me, O God; for the waters have come in to my soul. 2 (68:2) I am stuck fast in deep mire, and there is no standing: I am come in to the depths of the sea, and a storm has overwhelmed me. 3 (68:3) I am weary of crying, my throat has become hoarse; mine eyes have failed by my waiting on my God. 4 (68:4) They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head: my enemies that persecute me unrighteously are strengthened: then I restored that which I took not away. 5 (68:5) O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my transgressions are not hidden from thee. 6 (68:6) Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord of hosts, be ashamed on my account: let not them that seek thee, be ashamed on my account, O God of Israel. 7 (68:7) For I have suffered reproach for thy sake; shame has covered my face. 8 (68:8) I became strange to my brethren, and a stranger to my mother's children. 9 (68:9) For the zeal of thine house has eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me. 10 (68:10) And I bowed down my soul with fasting, and that was made my reproach. 11 (68:11) And I put on sackcloth for my covering; and I became a proverb to them. 12 (68:12) They that sit in the gate talked against me, and they that drank wine sang against me. 13 (68:13) But I will cry to thee, O Lord, in my prayer; O God, it is a propitious time: in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation. 14 (68:14) Save me from the mire, that I stick not in it: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and from the deep waters. 15 (68:15) Let not the waterflood drown me, nor let the deep swallow me up; neither let the well shut its mouth upon me. 16 (68:16) Hear me, O Lord; for thy mercy is good: according to the multitude of thy compassions look upon me. 17 (68:17) And turn not away thy face from thy servant; for I am afflicted: hear me speedily. 18 (68:18) Draw nigh to my soul and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies. 19 (68:19) For thou knowest my reproach, and my shame, and my confusion; all that afflict me are before thee. 20 (68:20) My soul has waited for reproach and misery; and I waited for one to grieve with me, but there was none; and for one to comfort me, but I found none. 21 (68:21) They gave me also gall for my food, and made me drink vinegar for my thirst. 22 (68:22) Let their table before them be for a snare, and for a recompense, and for a stumbling-block. 23 (68:23) Let their eyes be darkened that they should not see; and bow down their back continually. 24 (68:24) Pour out thy wrath upon them, and let the fury of thine anger take hold on them. 25 (68:25) Let their habitation be made desolate; and let there be no inhabitant in their tents: 26 (68:26) Because they persecuted him whom thou hast smitten; and they have added to the grief of my wounds. 27 (68:27) Add iniquity to their iniquity; and let them not come into thy righteousness. 28 (68:28) Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and let them not be written with the righteous. 29 (68:29) I am poor and sorrowful; but the salvation of thy countenance has helped me. 30 (68:30) I will praise the name of my God with a song, I will magnify him with praise; 31 (68:31) and this shall please God more than a young calf having horns and hoofs. 32 (68:32) Let the poor see and rejoice; seek the Lord diligently, and ye shall live. 33 (68:33) For the Lord hears the poor, and does not set at nought his fettered ones. 34 (68:34) Let the heavens and the earth raise him, the sea, and all things moving in them. 35 (68:35) For God will save Sion, and the cities of Judea shall be built; and men shall dwell there, and inherit it. 36 (68:36) And the seed of his servants shall possess it, and they that love his name shall dwell therein. 70 1 (69:1) For the end, by David for a remembrance, that the Lord may save me. Draw nigh, O God, to my help. 2 (69:2) Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek my soul: let them be turned backward and put to shame, that wish me evil. 3 (69:3) Let them that say to me, Aha, aha, be turned back and put to shame immediately. 4 (69:4) Let all that seek thee exult and be glad in thee: and let those that love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified. 5 (69:5) But I am poor and needy; O God, help me: thou art my helper and deliverer, O Lord, delay not. 71 1 (70:1) By David, a Psalm sung by the sons of Jonadab, and the first that were taken captive. O Lord, I have hoped in thee: let me never be put to shame. 2 (70:2) In thy righteousness deliver me and rescue me: incline thine ear to me, and save me. 3 (70:3) Be to me a protecting God, and a strong hold to save me: for thou art my fortress and my refuge. 4 (70:4) Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the sinner, from the hand of the transgressor and unjust man. 5 (70:5) For thou art my support, O Lord; O Lord, thou art my hope from my youth. 6 (70:6) On thee have I been stayed from the womb: from the belly of my mother thou art my protector: of thee is my praise continually. 7 (70:7) I am become as it were a wonder to many: but thou art my strong helper. 8 (70:8) Let my mouth be filled with praise, that I may hymn thy glory, and thy majesty all the day. 9 (70:9) Cast me not off at the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength fails. 10 (70:10) For mine enemies have spoken against me; and they that lay wait for my soul have taken counsel together, 11 (70:11) saying, God has forsaken him: persecute ye and take him; for there is none to deliver him. 12 (70:12) O God, go not far from me, O my God, draw nigh to my help. 13 (70:13) Let those that plot against my soul be ashamed and utterly fail: let those that seek my hurt be clothed with shame and dishonour. 14 (70:14) But I will hope continually, and will praise thee more and more. 15 (70:15) My mouth shall declare thy righteousness openly, and thy salvation all the day; for I am not acquainted with the affairs of men. 16 (70:16) I will go on in the might of the Lord: O Lord, I will make mention of thy righteousness only. 17 (70:17) O God, thou hast taught me from my youth, and until now will I declare thy wonders; 18 (70:18) even until I am old and advanced in years. O God, forsake me not; until I shall have declared thine arm to all the generation that is to come: 19 (70:19) even thy power and thy righteousness, O God, up to the highest heavens, even the mighty works which thou has done: O God, who is like to thee? 20 (70:20) What afflictions many and sore hast thou shewed me! yet thou didst turn and quicken me, and broughtest me again from the depths of the earth. 21 (70:21) Thou didst multiply thy righteousness, and didst turn and comfort me, and broughtest me again out of the depths of the earth. 22 (70:22) I will also therefore give thanks to thee, O God, because of thy truth, on an instrument of psalmody: I will sing psalms to thee on the harp, O Holy One of Israel. 23 (70:23) My lips shall rejoice when I sing to thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed. 24 (70:24) Moreover also my tongue shall dwell all the day upon thy righteousness; when they shall be ashamed and confounded that seek my hurt. 72 1 (71:1) For Solomon. O God, give thy judgment to the king, and thy righteousness to the king's son; 2 (71:2) that he may judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment. 3 (71:3) Let the mountains and the hills raise peace to thy people: 4 (71:4) he shall judge the poor of the people in righteousness, and save the children of the needy; and shall bring low the false accuser. 5 (71:5) And he shall continue as long as the sun, and before the moon for ever. 6 (71:6) He shall come down as rain upon a fleece; and as drops falling upon the earth. 7 (71:7) In his days shall righteousness spring up; and abundance of peace till the moon be removed. 8 (71:8) And he shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth. 9 (71:9) The Ethiopians shall fall down before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust. 10 (71:10) The kings of Tharsis, and the isles, shall bring presents: the kings of the Arabians and Saba shall offer gifts. 11 (71:11) And all kings shall worship him; all the Gentiles shall serve him. 12 (71:12) For he has delivered the poor from the oppressor; and the needy who had no helper. 13 (71:13) He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall deliver the souls of the needy. 14 (71:14) He shall redeem their souls from usury and injustice: and their name shall be precious before him. 15 (71:15) And he shall live, and there shall be given him of the gold of Arabia: and men shall pray for him continually; and all the day shall they praise him. 16 (71:16) There shall be an establishment on the earth on the tops of the mountains: the fruit thereof shall be exalted above Libanus, and they of the city shall flourish as grass of the earth. 17 (71:17) Let his name be blessed for ever: his name shall endure longer than the sun: and all the tribes of the earth shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed. 18 (71:18) Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, who alone does wonders. 19 (71:19) And blessed is his glorious name for ever, even for ever and ever: and all the earth shall be filled with his glory. So be it, so be it. 20 (71:20) The hymns of David the son of Jessae are ended. 73 1 (72:1) A Psalm for Asaph. How good is God to Israel, to the upright in heart! 2 (72:2) But my feet were almost overthrown; my goings very nearly slipped. 3 (72:3) For I was jealous of the transgressors, beholding the tranquility of sinners. 4 (72:4) For there is no sign of reluctance in their death: and they have firmness under their affliction. 5 (72:5) They are not in the troubles of other men; and they shall not be scourged with other men. 6 (72:6) Therefore pride has possessed them; they have clothed themselves with their injustice and ungodliness. 7 (72:7) Their injustice shall go forth as out of fatness: they have fulfilled their intention. 8 (72:8) They have taken counsel and spoken in wickedness: they have uttered unrighteousness loftily. 9 (72:9) They have set their mouth against heaven, and their tongue has gone through upon the earth. 10 (72:10) Therefore shall my people return hither: and full days shall be found with them. 11 (72:11) And they said, How does God know? and is there knowledge in the Most High? 12 (72:12) Behold, these are the sinners, and they that prosper always: they have possessed wealth. 13 (72:13) And I said, Verily in vain have I justified my heart, and washed my hands in innocency. 14 (72:14) For I was plagued all the day, and my reproof was every morning. 15 (72:15) If I said, I will speak thus; behold, I should have broken covenant with the generation of thy children. 16 (72:16) And I undertook to understand this, but it is too hard for me, 17 (72:17) until I go into the sanctuary of God; and so understand the latter end. 18 (72:18) Surely thou hast appointed judgments to them because of their crafty dealings: thou hast cast them down when they were lifted up. 19 (72:19) How have they become desolate! suddenly they have failed: they have perished because of their iniquity. 20 (72:20) As the dream of one awakening, O Lord, in thy city thou wilt despise their image. 21 (72:21) For my heart has rejoiced, and my reins have been gladdened. 22 (72:22) But I was vile and knew not: I became brutish before thee. 23 (72:23) Yet I am continually with thee: thou hast holden my right hand. 24 (72:24) Thou hast guided me by thy counsel, and thou hast taken me to thyself with glory. 25 (72:25) For what have I in heaven but thee? and what have I desired upon the earth beside thee? 26 (72:26) My heart and my flesh have failed: but God is the strength of my heart, and God is my portion for ever. 27 (72:27) For, behold, they that remove themselves far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed every one that goes a whoring from thee. 28 (72:28) But it is good for me to cleave close to God, to put my trust in the Lord; that I may proclaim all thy praises in the gates of the daughter of Sion. 74 1 (73:1) A Psalm of instruction for Asaph. Wherefore hast thou rejected us, O God, for ever? wherefore is thy wrath kindled against the sheep of thy pasture? 2 (73:2) Remember thy congregation which thou hast purchased from the beginning; thou didst ransom the rod of thine inheritance; this mount Sion wherein thou hast dwelt. 3 (73:3) Lift up thine hands against their pride continually; because of all that the enemy has done wickedly in thy holy places. 4 (73:4) And they that hate thee have boasted in the midst of thy feast; they have set up their standards for signs, 5 (73:5) ignorantly as it were in the entrance above; 6 (73:6) they cut down its doors at once with axes as in a wood of trees; they have broken it down with hatchet and stone cutter. 7 (73:7) They have burnt thy sanctuary with fire to the ground; they have profaned the habitation of thy name. 8 (73:8) They have said in their heart, even all their kindred together, Come, let us abolish the feasts of the Lord from the earth. 9 (73:9) We have not seen our signs; there is no longer a prophet; and God will not know us any more. 10 (73:10) How long, O God, shall the enemy reproach? shall the enemy provoke thy name forever? 11 (73:11) Wherefore turnest thou away thine hand, and thy right hand from the midst of thy bosom for ever? 12 (73:12) But God is our King of old; he has wrought salvation in the midst of the earth. 13 (73:13) Thou didst establish the sea, in thy might, thou didst break to pieces the heads of the dragons in the water. 14 (73:14) Thou didst break to pieces the heads of the dragon; thou didst give him for meat to the Ethiopian nations. 15 (73:15) Thou didst cleave fountains and torrents; thou driedst up mighty rivers. 16 (73:16) The day is thine, and the night is thine; thou hast prepared the sun and the moon. 17 (73:17) Thou hast made all the borders of the earth; thou hast made summer and spring. 18 (73:18) Remember this thy creation: an enemy has reproached the Lord, and a foolish people has provoked thy name. 19 (73:19) Deliver not to the wild beasts a soul that gives praise to thee: forget not for ever the souls of thy poor. 20 (73:20) Look upon thy covenant: for the dark places of the earth are filled with the habitations of iniquity. 21 (73:21) let not the afflicted and shamed one be rejected: the poor and needy shall praise thy name. 22 (73:22) Arise, O God, plead thy cause: remember thy reproaches that come from the foolish one all the day. 23 (73:23) Forget not the voice of thy suppliants: let the pride of them that hate thee continually ascend before thee. 75 1 (74:1) For the end, Destroy not, a Psalm of a Song for Asaph. We will give thanks to thee, O God, we will give thanks, and call upon thy name: I will declare all thy wonderful works. 2 (74:2) When I shall take a set time, I will judge righteously. 3 (74:3) The earth is dissolved, and all that dwell in it: I have strengthened its pillars. Pause. 4 (74:4) I said unto the transgressors, Do not transgress; and to the sinners, Lift not up the horn. 5 (74:5) Lift not up your horn on high; speak not unrighteousness against God. 6 (74:6) For good comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the desert mountains. 7 (74:7) For God is the judge; he puts down one, and raises up another. 8 (74:8) For there is a cup in the hand of the Lord, full of unmingled wine; and he has turned it from side to side, but its dregs have not been wholly poured out; all the sinners of the earth shall drink them. 9 (74:9) But I will exult for ever: I will sing praises to the God of Jacob. 10 (74:10) And I will break all the horns of sinners; but the horns of the righteous one shall be exalted. 76 1 (75:1) For the end, among the Hymns, a Psalm for Asaph; a Song for the Assyrian. God is known in Judea: his name is great in Israel. 2 (75:2) And his place has been in peace, and his dwelling-place in Sion. 3 (75:3) There he broke the power of the bows, the shield, and the sword, and the battle. Pause. 4 (75:4) Thou dost wonderfully shine forth from the everlasting mountains. 5 (75:5) All the simple ones in heart were troubled; all the men of wealth have slept their sleep, and have found nothing in their hands. 6 (75:6) At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, the riders on horses slumbered. 7 (75:7) Thou art terrible; and who shall withstand thee, because of thine anger? 8 (75:8) Thou didst cause judgment to be heard from heaven; the earth feared, and was still, 9 (75:9) when God arose to judgment, to save all the meek in heart. Pause. 10 (75:10) For the inward thought of man shall give thanks to thee: and the memorial of his inward thought shall keep a feast to thee. 11 (75:11) Vow, and pay your vows to the Lord our God; all that are round about him shall bring gifts, even to him that is terrible, 12 (75:12) and that takes away the spirits of princes; to him that is terrible among the kings of the earth. 77 1 (76:1) For the end, for Idithun, a Psalm of Asaph. I cried to the Lord with my voice, yea, my voice was addressed to God; and he gave heed to me. 2 (76:2) In the day of mine affliction I earnestly sought the Lord; even with my hands by night before him, and I was not deceived; my soul refused to be comforted. 3 (76:3) I remembered God, and rejoiced; I poured out my complaint, and my soul fainted. Pause. 4 (76:4) All mine enemies set a watch against me: I was troubled, and spoke not. 5 (76:5) I considered the days of old, and remembered ancient years. 6 (76:6) And I meditated; I communed with my heart by night, and diligently searched my spirit, saying, 7 (76:7) Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will he be well pleased no more? 8 (76:8) Will he cut off his mercy for ever, even for ever and ever? 9 (76:9) Will God forget to pity? or will he shut up his compassions in his wrath? Pause. 10 (76:10) And I said, Now I have begun; this is the change of the right hand of the Most High. 11 (76:11) I remembered the works of the Lord; for I will remember thy wonders from the beginning. 12 (76:12) And I will meditate on all thy works, and will consider thy doings. 13 (76:13) O God, thy way is in the sanctuary; who is a great God as our God? 14 (76:14) Thou art the God that doest wonders; thou hast made known thy power among the nations. 15 (76:15) Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Pause. 16 (76:16) The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee, and feared; and the depths were troubled. 17 (76:17) There was an abundant sound of waters: the clouds uttered a voice; for thine arrows went abroad. 18 (76:18) The voice of thy thunder was abroad, and around thy lightnings appeared to the world; the earth trembled a quaked. 19 (76:19) Thy way is in the sea, and thy paths in many waters, and thy footsteps cannot be known. 20 (76:20) Thou didst guide thy people as sheep by the hand of Moses and Aaron. 78 1 (77:1) A Psalm of instruction for Asaph. Give heed, O my people, to my law: incline your ear to the words of my mouth. 2 (77:2) I will open my mouth in parables: I will utter dark sayings which have been from the beginning. 3 (77:3) All which we have heard and known, and our fathers have declared to us. 4 (77:4) They were not hid from their children to a second generations; the fathers declaring the praises of the Lord, and his mighty acts, and his wonders which he wrought. 5 (77:5) And he raised up a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, to make it known to their children: 6 (77:6) that another generation might know, even the sons which should be born; and they should arise and declare them to their children. 7 (77:7) That they might set their hope on God, and not forget the works of God, but diligently seek his commandments. 8 (77:8) That they should not be as their fathers, a perverse and provoking generation; a generation which set not its heart aright, and its spirit was not steadfast with God. 9 (77:9) The children of Ephraim, bending and shooting with the bow, turned back in the day of battle. 10 (77:10) They kept not the covenant of God, and would not walk in his law. 11 (77:11) And they forgot his benefits, and his miracles which he had shewed them; 12 (77:12) the miracles which he wrought before their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the plain of Tanes. 13 (77:13) He clave the sea, and led them through: he made the waters to stand as in a bottle. 14 (77:14) And he guided them with a cloud by day, and all the night with a light of fire. 15 (77:15) he clave a rock in the wilderness, and made them drink as in a great deep. 16 (77:16) And he brought water out of the rock, and caused waters to flow down as rivers. 17 (77:17) And they sinned yet more against him; they provoked the Most High in the wilderness. 18 (77:18) And they tempted God in their hearts, in asking meat for the desire of their souls. 19 (77:19) They spoke also against God, and said, Will God be able to prepare a table in the wilderness? 20 (77:20) Forasmuch as he smote the rock, and the waters flowed, and the torrents ran abundantly; will he be able also to give bread, or prepare a table for his people? 21 (77:21) Therefore the Lord heard, and was provoked: and fire was kindled in Jacob, and wrath went up against Israel. 22 (77:22) Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation. 23 (77:23) Yet he commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven, 24 (77:24) and rained upon them manna to eat, and gave them the bread of heaven. 25 (77:25) Man ate angels' bread; he sent them provision to the full. 26 (77:26) He removed the south wind from heaven; and by his might he brought in the south-west wind. 27 (77:27) And he rained upon them flesh like dust, and feathered birds like the sand of the seas. 28 (77:28) And they fell into the midst of their camp, round about their tents. 29 (77:29) So they ate, and were completely filled; and he gave them their desire. 30 (77:30) They were not disappointed of their desire: but when their food was yet in their mouth, 31 (77:31) then the indignation of God rose up against them, and slew the fattest of them, and overthrew the choice men of Israel. 32 (77:32) In the midst of all this they sinned yet more, and believed not his miracles. 33 (77:33) And their days were consumed in vanity, and their years with anxiety. 34 (77:34) When he slew them, they sought him: and they returned and called betimes upon God. 35 (77:35) And they remembered that God was their helper, and the most high God was their redeemer. 36 (77:36) Yet they loved him only with their mouth, and lied to him with their tongue. 37 (77:37) For their heart was not right with him, neither were they steadfast in his covenant. 38 (77:38) But he is compassionate, and will forgive their sins, and will not destroy them: yea, he will frequently turn away his wrath, and will not kindle all his anger. 39 (77:39) And he remembered that they are flesh; a wind that passes away, and returns not. 40 (77:40) How often did they provoke him in the wilderness, and anger him in a dry land! 41 (77:41) Yea, they turned back, and tempted God, and provoked the Holy One of Israel. 42 (77:42) They remembered not his hand, the day in which he delivered them from the hand of the oppressor. 43 (77:43) How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Tanes: 44 (77:44) and had changed their rivers into blood; and their streams, that they should not drink. 45 (77:45) He sent against them the dog-fly, and it devoured them; and the frog, and it spoiled them. 46 (77:46) And he gave their fruit to the canker worm, and their labours to the locust. 47 (77:47) He killed their vines with hail, and their sycamores with frost. 48 (77:48) And he gave up their cattle to hail, and their substance to the fire. 49 (77:49) He sent out against them the fury of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and affliction, a message by evil angels. 50 (77:50) He made a way for his wrath; he spared not their souls from death, but consigned their cattle to death; 51 (77:51) and smote every first-born in the land of Egypt; the first-fruits of their labours in the tents of Cham. 52 (77:52) And he removed his people like sheep; he led them as a flock in the wilderness. 53 (77:53) And he guided them with hope, and they feared not: but the sea covered their enemies. 54 (77:54) And he brought them in to the mountain of his sanctuary, this mountain which his right hand had purchased. 55 (77:55) And he cast out the nations from before them, and made them to inherit by a line of inheritance, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents. 56 (77:56) Ye they tempted and provoked the most high God, and kept not his testimonies. 57 (77:57) And they turned back, and broke covenant, even as also their fathers: they became like a crooked bow. 58 (77:58) And they provoked him with their high places, and moved him to jealousy with their graven images. 59 (77:59) God heard and lightly regarded them, and greatly despised Israel. 60 (77:60) And he rejected the tabernacle of Selom, his tent where he dwelt among men. 61 (77:61) And he gave their strength into captivity, and their beauty into the enemy's hand. 62 (77:62) And he gave his people to the sword; and disdained his inheritance. 63 (77:63) Fire devoured their young men; and their virgins mourned not. 64 (77:64) Their priests fell by the sword; and their widows shall not be wept for. 65 (77:65) So the Lord awaked as one out of sleep, and as a mighty man who has been heated with wine. 66 (77:66) And he smote his enemies in the hinder parts: he brought on them a perpetual reproach. 67 (77:67) And he rejected the tabernacle of Joseph, and chose not the tribe of Ephraim; 68 (77:68) but chose the tribe of Juda, the mount Sion which he loved. 69 (77:69) And he built his sanctuary as the place of unicorns; he founded it for ever on the earth. 70 (77:70) He chose David also his servant, and took him up from the flocks of sheep. 71 (77:71) He took him from following the ewes great with young, to be the shepherd of Jacob his servant, and Israel his inheritance. 72 (77:72) So he tended them in the innocency of his heart; and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands. 79 1 (78:1) A Psalm for Asaph. O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; they have polluted thy holy temple; they have made Jerusalem a storehouse of fruits. 2 (78:2) They have given the dead bodies of thy servants to be food for the birds of the sky, the flesh of thy holy ones for the wild beasts of the earth. 3 (78:3) They have shed their blood as water, round about Jerusalem; and there was none to bury them. 4 (78:4) We are become a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to them that are round about us. 5 (78:5) How long, O Lord? wilt thou be angry for ever? shall thy jealousy burn like fire? 6 (78:6) Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the kingdoms which have not called upon thy name. 7 (78:7) For they have devoured Jacob, and laid his place waste. 8 (78:8) Remember not our old transgressions; let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us; for we are greatly impoverished. 9 (78:9) Help us, O God our Saviour; for the glory of thy name, O Lord, deliver us; and be merciful to our sins, for thy name's sake. 10 (78:10) Lets haply they should say among the heathen, Where is their God? and let the avenging of thy servant's blood that has been shed be known among the heathen before our eyes. 11 (78:11) Let the groaning of the prisoners come in before thee; according to the greatness of thine arm preserve the sons of the slain ones. 12 (78:12) Repay to our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, with which they have reproached thee, O Lord. 13 (78:13) For we are thy people and the sheep of thy pasture; we will give thee thanks for ever; we will declare thy praise throughout all generations. 80 1 (79:1) For the end, for alternate strains, a testimony for Asaph, a Psalm concerning the Assyrian. Attend, O Shepherd of Israel, who guidest Joseph like a flock; thou who sittest upon the cherubs, manifest thyself; 2 (79:2) before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasse, stir up thy power, and come to deliver us. 3 (79:3) Turn us, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be delivered. 4 (79:4) O Lord God of hosts, how long art thou angry with the prayer of thy servant? 5 (79:5) Thou wilt feed us with bread of tears; and wilt cause us to drink tears by measure. 6 (79:6) Thou has made us a strife to our neighbours; and our enemies have mocked at us. 7 (79:7) Turn us, O Lord God of hosts, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. Pause. 8 (79:8) Thou hast transplanted a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it. 9 (79:9) Thou madest a way before it, and didst cause its roots to strike, and the land was filled with it. 10 (79:10) Its shadow covered the mountains, and its shoots equalled the goodly cedars. 11 (79:11) It sent forth its branches to the sea, and its shoots to the river. 12 (79:12) Wherefore hast thou broken down its hedge, while all that pass by the way pluck it? 13 (79:13) The boar out of the wood has laid it waste, and the wild beast has devoured it. 14 (79:14) O God of hosts, turn, we pray thee: look on us from heaven, and behold and visit this vine; 15 (79:15) and restore that which thy right hand has planted: and look on the son of man whom thou didst strengthen for thyself. 16 (79:16) It is burnt with fire and dug up: they shall perish at the rebuke of thy presence. 17 (79:17) Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, and upon the son of man whom thou didst strengthen for thyself. 18 (79:18) So will we not depart from thee: thou shalt quicken us, and we will call upon thy name. 19 (79:19) Turn us, O Lord God of hosts, and make thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. 81 1 (80:1) For the end, a Psalm for Asaph, concerning the wine-presses. Rejoice ye in God our helper; shout aloud to the God of Jacob. 2 (80:2) Take a psalm, and produce the timbrel, the pleasant psaltery with the harp. 3 (80:3) Blow the trumpet at the new moon, in the glorious day of your feast. 4 (80:4) For this is an ordinance for Israel, and a statute of the God of Jacob. 5 (80:5) He made it to be a testimony in Joseph, when he came forth out of the land of Egypt: he heard a language which he understood not. 6 (80:6) He removed his back from burdens: his hands slaved in making the baskets. 7 (80:7) Thou didst call upon me in trouble, and I delivered thee; I heard thee in the secret place of the storm: I proved thee at the water of Strife. Pause. 8 (80:8) Hear, my people, and I will speak to thee, O Israel; and I will testify to thee: if thou wilt hearken to me; 9 (80:9) there shall be no new god in thee; neither shalt thou worship a strange god. 10 (80:10) For I am the Lord thy God, that brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. 11 (80:11) But my people hearkened not to my voice; and Israel gave no heed to me. 12 (80:12) So I let them go after the ways of their own hearts: they will go on in their own ways. 13 (80:13) If my people had hearkened to me, if Israel had walked in my ways, 14 (80:14) I should have put down their enemies very quickly, and should have laid my hand upon those that afflicted them. 15 (80:15) The Lord's enemies should have lied to him: but their time shall be for ever. 16 (80:16) And he fed them with the fat of wheat; and satisfied them with honey out of the rock. 82 1 (81:1) A Psalm for Asaph. God stands in the assembly of gods; and in the midst of them will judge gods. 2 (81:2) How long will ye judge unrighteously, and accept the persons of sinners? Pause. 3 (81:3) Judge the orphan and poor: do justice to the low and needy. 4 (81:4) Rescue the needy, and deliver the poor out of the hand of the sinner. 5 (81:5) They know not, nor understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth shall be shaken. 6 (81:6) I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you children of the Most High. 7 (81:7) But ye die as men, and fall as one of the princes. 8 (81:8) Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations. 83 1 (82:1) A Song of a Psalm for Asaph. O God, who shall be compared to thee? be not silent, neither be still, O God. 2 (82:2) For behold, thine enemies have made a noise; and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3 (82:3) Against thy people they have craftily imagined a device, and have taken counsel against thy saints. 4 (82:4) They have said, Come, and let us utterly destroy them out of the nation; and let the name of Israel be remembered no more at all. 5 (82:5) For they have taken counsel together with one consent: they have made a confederacy against thee; 6 (82:6) even the tents of the Idumeans, and the Ismaelites; Moab, and the Agarenes; 7 (82:7) Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalec; the Philistines also, with them that dwell at Tyre. 8 (82:8) Yea, Assur too is come with them: they have become a help to the children of Lot. Pause. 9 (82:9) Do thou to them as to Madiam, and to Sisera; as to Jabin at the brook of Kison. 10 (82:10) They were utterly destroyed at Aendor: they became as dung for the earth. 11 (82:11) Make their princes as Oreb and Zeb, and Zebee and Salmana; even all their princes: 12 (82:12) who said, let us take to ourselves the altar of God as an inheritance. 13 (82:13) O my God, make them as a wheel; as stubble before the face of the wind. 14 (82:14) As fire which shall burn up a wood, as the flame may consume the mountains; 15 (82:15) so shalt thou persecute them with thy tempest, and trouble them in thine anger. 16 (82:16) Fill their faces with dishonour; so shall they seek thy name, O Lord. 17 (82:17) Let them be ashamed and troubled for evermore; yea, let them be confounded and destroyed. 18 (82:18) And let them know that thy name is Lord; that thou alone art Most High over all the earth. 84 1 (83:1) For the end, a Psalm for the sons of Core, concerning the wine-presses. How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! 2 (83:2) My soul longs, and faints for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh have exulted in the living god. 3 (83:3) Yea, the sparrow has found himself a home, and the turtle-dove a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King, and my God. 4 (83:4) Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will praise thee evermore. Pause. 5 (83:5) Blessed is the man whose help is of thee, O Lord; in his heart he has purposed to go up 6 (83:6) the valley of weeping, to the place which he has appointed, for there the law-giver will grant blessings. 7 (83:7) They shall go from strength to strength: the God of gods shall be seen in Sion. 8 (83:8) O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer: hearken, O God of Jacob. Pause. 9 (83:9) Behold, O God our defender, and look upon the face of thine anointed. 10 (83:10) For one day in thy courts is better than thousands. I would rather be an abject in the house of God, than dwell in the tents of sinners. 11 (83:11) For the Lord loves mercy and truth: God will give grace and glory: the Lord will not withhold good things from them that walk in innocence. 12 (83:12) O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusts in thee. 85 1 (84:1) For the end, a Psalm for the sons of Core. O Lord, thou has taken pleasure in thy land: thou hast turned back the captivity of Jacob. 2 (84:2) Thou hast forgiven thy people their transgressions; thou has covered all their sins. Pause. 3 (84:3) Thou has caused all thy wrath to cease: thou hast turned from thy fierce anger. 4 (84:4) Turn us, O God of our salvation, and turn thy anger away from us. 5 (84:5) Wouldest thou be angry with us for ever? or wilt thou continue thy wrath from generation to generation? 6 (84:6) O God, thou wilt turn and quicken us; and thy people shall rejoice in thee. 7 (84:7) Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation. 8 (84:8) I will hear what the Lord God will say concerning me: for he shall speak peace to his people, and to his saints, and to those that turn their heart toward him. 9 (84:9) Moreover his salvation is near them that fear him; that glory may dwell in our land. 10 (84:10) Mercy and truth are met together: righteousness and peace have kissed each other. 11 (84:11) Truth has sprung out of the earth; and righteousness has looked down from heaven. 12 (84:12) For the Lord will give goodness; and our land shall yield her fruit. 13 (84:13) Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set his steps in the way. 86 1 (85:1) A Prayer of David. O Lord, incline thine ear, and hearken to me; for I am poor and needy. 2 (85:2) Preserve my soul, for I am holy; save thy servant, O God, who hopes in thee. 3 (85:3) Pity me, O Lord: for to thee will I cry all the day. 4 (85:4) Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for to thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul. 5 (85:5) For thou, O Lord, art kind, and gentle; and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon thee. 6 (85:6) Give ear to my prayer, o Lord; and attend to the voice of my supplication. 7 (85:7) In the day of my trouble I cried to thee: for thou didst hear me. 8 (85:8) There is none like to thee, O Lord, among the god; and there are no works like to thy works. 9 (85:9) All nations whom thou hast made shall come, and shall worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. 10 (85:10) For thou art great, and doest wonders: thou art the only and the great God. 11 (85:11) Guide me, O Lord, in thy way, and I will walk in thy truth: let my heart rejoice, that I may fear thy name. 12 (85:12) I will give thee thanks, O Lord my God, with all my heart; and I will glorify thy name for ever. 13 (85:13) For thy mercy is great toward me; and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell. 14 (85:14) O God, transgressors have risen up against me, and an assembly of violent men have sought my life; and have not set thee before them. 15 (85:15) But thou, O Lord God, art compassionate and merciful, long-suffering, and abundant in mercy and true. 16 (85:16) Look thou upon me, and have mercy upon me: give thy strength to thy servant, and save the son of thine handmaid. 17 (85:17) Establish with me a token for good; and let them that hate me see it and be ashamed; because thou, O Lord, hast helped me, and comforted me. 87 1 (86:1) A Psalm of a Song for the sons of Core. His foundations are in the holy mountains. 2 (86:2) The Lord loves the gates of Sion, more than all the tabernacles of Jacob. 3 (86:3) Glorious things have been spoken of thee, O city of God. Pause. 4 (86:4) I will make mention of Raab and Babylon to them that know me: behold also the Philistines, and Tyre, and the people of the Ethiopians: these were born there. 5 (86:5) A man shall say, Sion is my mother; and such a man was born in her; and the Highest himself has founded her. 6 (86:6) The Lord shall recount it in the writing of the people, and of these princes that were born in her. 7 (86:7) The dwelling of all within thee is as the dwelling of those that rejoice. 88 1 (87:1) A song of a Psalm for the sons of Core for the end, upon Maeleth for responsive strains, of instruction for Aeman the Israelite. O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried by day and in the night before thee. 2 (87:2) Let my prayer come in before thee; incline thine ear to my supplication, O Lord. 3 (87:3) For my soul is filled with troubles, and my life has drawn nigh to Hades. 4 (87:4) I have been reckoned with them that go down to the pit; I became as a man without help; 5 (87:5) free among the dead, as the slain ones cast out, who sleep in the tomb; whom thou rememberest no more; and they are rejected from thy hand. 6 (87:6) They laid me in the lowest pit, in dark places, and in the shadow of death. 7 (87:7) Thy wrath has pressed heavily upon me, and thou hast brought upon me all thy billows. Pause. 8 (87:8) Thou hast removed my acquaintance far from me; they have made me an abomination to themselves; I have been delivered up, and have not gone forth. 9 (87:9) Mine eyes are dimmed from poverty; but I cried to thee, O Lord, all the day; I spread forth my hands to thee. 10 (87:10) Wilt thou work wonders for the dead? or shall physicians raise them up, that they shall praise thee? 11 (87:11) Shall any one declare thy mercy in the tomb? and thy truth in destruction? 12 (87:12) Shall thy wonders be known in darkness? and thy righteousness in a forgotten land? 13 (87:13) But I cried to thee, O Lord; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee. 14 (87:14) Wherefore, O Lord, dost thou reject my prayer, and turn thy face away from me? 15 (87:15) I am poor and in troubles from my youth; and having been exalted, I was brought low and into despair. 16 (87:16) Thy wrath has passed over me; and thy terrors have greatly disquieted me. 17 (87:17) They compassed me like water; all the day they beset me together. 18 (87:18) Thou hast put far from me every friend, and mine acquaintances because of my wretchedness. 89 1 (88:1) A Psalm of instruction for Aetham the Israelite. I will sing of thy mercies, O Lord, for ever: I will declare thy truth with my mouth to all generations. 2 (88:2) For thou hast said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy truth shall be established in the heavens. 3 (88:3) I made a covenant with my chosen ones, I sware unto David my servant. 4 (88:4) I will establish thy seed for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations. Pause. 5 (88:5) The heavens shall declare thy wonders, O Lord; and thy truth in the assembly of the saints. 6 (88:6) For who in the heavens shall be compared to the Lord? and who shall be likened to the Lord among the sons of God? 7 (88:7) God is glorified in the council of the saints; great and terrible toward all that are round about him. 8 (88:8) O Lord God of hosts, who is like to thee? thou art mighty, O Lord, and thy truth is round about thee. 9 (88:9) Thou rulest the power of the sea; and thou calmest the tumult of its waves. 10 (88:10) Thou has brought down the proud as one that is slain; and with the arm of thy power thou has scattered thine enemies. 11 (88:11) The heavens are thine, and the earth is thine: thou hast founded the world, and the fullness of it. 12 (88:12) Thou hast created the north and the west: Thabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name. 13 (88:13) Thine is the mighty arm: let thy hand be strengthened, let thy right hand be exalted. 14 (88:14) Justice and judgment are the establishment of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. 15 (88:15) Blessed is the people that knows the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. 16 (88:16) And in thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted. 17 (88:17) For thou art the boast of their strength; and in thy good pleasure shall our horn be exalted, 18 (88:18) for our help is of the Lord; and of the Holy One of Israel, our king. 19 (88:19) Then thou spokest in vision to thy children, and saidst, I have laid help on a mighty one; I have exalted one chosen out of my people. 20 (88:20) I have found David my servant; I have anointed him by my holy mercy. 21 (88:21) For my hand shall support him; and mine arm shall strengthen him. 22 (88:22) The enemy shall have no advantage against him; and the son of transgression shall not hurt him again. 23 (88:23) And I will hew down his foes before him, and put to flight those that hate him. 24 (88:24) But my truth and my mercy shall be with him; and in my name shall his horn be exalted. 25 (88:25) And I will set his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers. 26 (88:26) He shall call upon me, saying, Thou art my Father, my God, and the helper of my salvation. 27 (88:27) And I will make him my first-born, higher than the kings of the earth. 28 (88:28) I will keep my mercy for him for ever, and my covenant shall be firm with him. 29 (88:29) And I will establish his seed for ever and ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. 30 (88:30) If his children should forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments; 31 (88:31) if they should profane my ordinances, and not keep my commandments; 32 (88:32) I will visit their transgressions with a rod, and their sins with scourges. 33 (88:33) But my mercy I will not utterly remove from him, nor wrong my truth. 34 (88:34) Neither will I by any means profane my covenant; and I will not make void the things that proceed out of my lips. 35 (88:35) Once have I sworn by my holiness, that I will not lie to David. 36 (88:36) His see shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me; 37 (88:37) and as the moon that is established for ever, and as the faithful witness in heaven. Pause. 38 (88:38) But thou hast cast off and set at nought, thou has rejected thine anointed. 39 (88:39) Thou hast overthrown the covenant of thy servant; thou has profaned his sanctuary, casting it to the ground. 40 (88:40) Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast made his strong holds a terror. 41 (88:41) All that go by the way have spoiled him: he is become a reproach to his neighbours. 42 (88:42) Thou hast exalted the right hand of his enemies; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice. 43 (88:43) Thou hast turned back the help of his sword, and hast not helped him in the battle. 44 (88:44) Thou hast deprived him of glory: thou hast broken down his throne to the ground. 45 (88:45) Thou hast shortened the days of his throne: thou hast poured shame upon him. Pause. 46 (88:46) How long, O Lord, wilt thou turn away, for ever? shall thine anger flame out as fire? 47 (88:47) Remember what my being is: for hast thou created all the sons of men in vain? 48 (88:48) What man is there who shall live, and not see death? shall any one deliver his soul from the hand of Hades? Pause. 49 (88:49) Where are thine ancient mercies, O Lord, which thou swarest to David in thy truth? 50 (88:50) Remember, O Lord, the reproach of thy servants, which I have borne in my bosom, even the reproach of many nations; 51 (88:51) wherewith thine enemies have reviled, O Lord: wherewith they have reviled the recompense of thine anointed. 52 (88:52) Blessed be the Lord for ever. So be it, so be it. 90 1 (89:1) A Prayer of Moses the man of God. Lord, thou hast been our refuge in all generations. 2 (89:2) Before the mountains existed, and before the earth and the world were formed, even from age to age, Thou art. 3 (89:3) Turn not man back to his low place, whereas thou saidst, Return, ye sons of men? 4 (89:4) For a thousand years in thy sight are as the yesterday which is past, and as a watch in the night. 5 (89:5) Years shall be vanity to them: let the morning pass away as grass. 6 (89:6) In the morning let it flower, and pass away: in the evening let it droop, let it be withered and dried up. 7 (89:7) For we have perished in thine anger, and in thy wrath we have been troubled. 8 (89:8) Thou hast set our transgressions before thee: our age is in the light of thy countenance. 9 (89:9) For all our days are gone, and we have passed away in thy wrath: our years have spun out their tale as a spider. 10 (89:10) As for the days of our years, in them are seventy years; and if men should be in strength, eighty years: and the greater part of them would be labour and trouble; for weakness overtakes us, and we shall be chastened. 11 (89:11) Who knows the power of thy wrath? 12 (89:12) and who knows how to number his days because of the fear of thy wrath? So manifest thy right hand, and those that are instructed in wisdom in the heart. 13 (89:13) Return, O Lord, how long? and be intreated concerning thy servants. 14 (89:14) We have been satisfied in the morning with thy mercy; and we did exult and rejoice: 15 (89:15) let us rejoice in all our days, in return for the days wherein thou didst afflict us, the years wherein we saw evil. 16 (89:16) And look upon thy servants, and upon thy works; and guide their children. 17 (89:17) And let the brightness of the Lord our God be upon us: and do thou direct for us the works of our hands. 91 1 (90:1) Praise of a Song, by David. He that dwells in the help of the Highest, shall sojourn under the shelter of the God of heaven. 2 (90:2) He shall say to the Lord, Thou art my helper and my refuge: my God; I will hope in him. 3 (90:3) For he shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunters, from every troublesome matter. 4 (90:4) He shall overshadow thee with his shoulders, and thou shalt trust under his wings: his truth shall cover thee with a shield. 5 (90:5) Thou shalt not be afraid of terror by night; nor of the arrow flying by day; 6 (90:6) nor of the evil thing that walks in darkness; nor of calamity, and the evil spirit at noon-day. 7 (90:7) A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 (90:8) Only with thine eyes shalt thou observe and see the reward of sinners. 9 (90:9) For thou, O Lord, art my hope: thou, my soul, hast made the Most High thy refuge. 10 (90:10) No evils shall come upon thee, and no scourge shall draw night to thy dwelling. 11 (90:11) For he shall give his angels charge concerning thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12 (90:12) They shall bear thee up on their hands, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. 13 (90:13) Thou shalt tread on the asp and basilisk: and thou shalt trample on the lion and dragon. 14 (90:14) For he has hoped in me, and I will deliver him: I will protect him, because he has known my name. 15 (90:15) He shall call upon me, and I will hearken to him: I am with him in affliction; and I will deliver him, and glorify him. 16 (90:16) I will satisfy him with length of days, and shew him my salvation. 92 1 (91:1) A Psalm of a Song for the Sabbath-day. It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to thy name, O thou Most High; 2 (91:2) to proclaim thy mercy in the morning, and thy truth by night, 3 (91:3) on a psaltery of ten strings, with a song on the harp. 4 (91:4) For thou, O Lord, hast made me glad with thy work: and in the operations of thy hands will I exult. 5 (91:5) How have thy works been magnified, O Lord! thy thoughts are very deep. 6 (91:6) A foolish man will not know, and a senseless man will not understand this. 7 (91:7) When the sinners spring up as the grass, and all the workers of iniquity have watched; it is that they may be utterly destroyed for ever. 8 (91:8) But thou, O Lord, art most high for ever. 9 (91:9) For, behold, thine enemies shall perish; and all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. 10 (91:10) But my horn shall be exalted as the horn of a unicorn; and mine old age with rich mercy. 11 (91:11) And mine eye has seen mine enemies, and mine ear shall hear the wicked that rise up against me. 12 (91:12) The righteous shall flourish as a palm-tree: he shall be increased as the cedar in Libanus. 13 (91:13) They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. 14 (91:14) Then shall they be increased in a fine old age; and they shall be prosperous; that they may declare 15 (91:15) that the Lord my God is righteous, and there is no iniquity in him. 93 1 (92:1) For the day before the Sabbath, when the land was first inhabited, the praise of a Song by David. The Lord reigns; he has clothed himself with honour: the Lord has clothed and girded himself with strength; for he has established the world, which shall not be moved. 2 (92:2) Thy throne is prepared of old: thou art from everlasting. 3 (92:3) The rivers have lifted up, O Lord, the rivers have lifted up their voices, 4 (92:4) at the voices of many waters: the billows of the sea are wonderful: the Lord is wonderful in high places. 5 (92:5) Thy testimonies are made very sure: holiness becomes thine house, O Lord, for ever. 94 1 (93:1) A Psalm of David for the fourth day of the week. The Lord is a God of vengeance; the God of vengeance has declared himself. 2 (93:2) Be thou exalted, thou that judgest the earth: render a reward to the proud. 3 (93:3) How long shall sinners, O Lord, how long shall sinners boast? 4 (93:4) They will utter and speak unrighteousness; all the workers of iniquity will speak so. 5 (93:5) They have afflicted thy people, O Lord, and hurt thine heritage. 6 (93:6) They have slain the widow and fatherless, and murdered the stranger. 7 (93:7) And they said, The Lord shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob understand. 8 (93:8) Understand now, ye simple among the people; and ye fools, at length be wise. 9 (93:9) He that planted the ear, does he not hear? or he that formed the eye, does not he perceive? 10 (93:10) He that chastises the heathen, shall not he punish, even he that teaches man knowledge? 11 (93:11) The Lord knows the thoughts of men, that they are vain. 12 (93:12) Blessed is the man whomsoever thou shalt chasten, O Lord, and shalt teach him out of thy law; 13 (93:13) to give him rest from evil days, until a pit be digged for the sinful one. 14 (93:14) For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance; 15 (93:15) until righteousness return to judgment, and all the upright in heart shall follow it. Pause. 16 (93:16) Who will rise up for me against the transgressors? or who will stand up with me against the workers of iniquity? 17 (93:17) If the Lord had not helped me, my soul had almost sojourned in Hades. 18 (93:18) If I said, My foot has been moved; 19 (93:19) thy mercy, O Lord, helped me. O Lord, according to the multitude of my griefs within my heart, thy consolation have soothed my soul. 20 (93:20) Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frames mischief by an ordinance? 21 (93:21) They will hunt for the soul of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood. 22 (93:22) But the Lord was my refuge; and my God the helper of my hope. 23 (93:23) And he will recompense to them their iniquity and their wickedness: the Lord our God shall utterly destroy them. 95 1 (94:1) The praise of a Song by David. Come, let us exult in the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to God our Saviour. 2 (94:2) Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise to him with psalms. 3 (94:3) For the Lord is a great God, and a great king over all gods: for the Lord will not cast off his people. 4 (94:4) For the ends of the earth are in his hands; and the heights of the mountains are his. 5 (94:5) For the sea is his, and he made it: and is hands formed the dry land. 6 (94:6) Come, let us worship and fall down before him; and weep before the Lord that made us. 7 (94:7) For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. 8 (94:8) To-day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, according to the day of irritation in the wilderness: 9 (94:9) where your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works. 10 (94:10) Forty years was I grieved with this generation, and said, They do always err in their heart, and they have not known my ways. 11 (94:11) So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest. 96 1 (95:1) When the house was built after the Captivity, a Song of David. Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. 2 (95:2) Sing to the Lord, bless his name: proclaim his salvation from day to day. 3 (95:3) Publish his glory among the Gentiles, his wonderful works among all people. 4 (95:4) For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is terrible above all gods. 5 (95:5) For all the gods of the heathen are devils: but the Lord made the heavens. 6 (95:6) Thanksgiving and beauty are before him: holiness and majesty are in his sanctuary. 7 (95:7) Bring to the Lord, ye families of the Gentiles, bring to the Lord glory and honour. 8 (95:8) Bring to the Lord the glory becoming his name: take offerings, and go into his courts. 9 (95:9) Worship the Lord in his holy court: let all the earth tremble before him. 10 (95:10) Say among the heathen, The Lord reigns: for he has established the world so that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people in righteousness. 11 (95:11) Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth exult; let the sea be moved, and the fullness of it. 12 (95:12) The plains shall rejoice, and all things in them: then shall all the trees of the wood exult before the presence of the Lord: 13 (95:13) for he comes, for he comes to judge the earth; he shall judge the world in righteousness, and the people with his truth. 97 1 (96:1) For David, when his land is established. The Lord reigns, let the earth exult, let many islands rejoice. 2 (96:2) Cloud, and darkness are round about him; righteousness and judgment are the establishment of his throne. 3 (96:3) Fire shall go before him, and burn up his enemies round about. 4 (96:4) His lightnings appeared to the world; the earth saw, and trembled. 5 (96:5) The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. 6 (96:6) The heavens have declared his righteousness, and all the people have seen his glory. 7 (96:7) Let all that worship graven images be ashamed, who boast of their idols; worship him, all ye his angels. 8 (96:8) Sion heard and rejoiced; and the daughters of Judea exulted, because of thy judgments, O Lord. 9 (96:9) For thou art Lord most high over all the earth; thou art greatly exalted above all gods. 10 (96:10) Ye that love the Lord, hate evil; the Lord preserves the souls of his saints; he shall deliver them from the hand of sinners. 11 (96:11) Light is sprung up for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. 12 (96:12) Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; and give thanks for a remembrance of his holiness. 98 1 (97:1) A Psalm of David. Sing to the Lord a new song; for the Lord has wrought wonderful works, his right hand, and his holy arm, have wrought salvation for him. 2 (97:2) The Lord has made known his salvation, he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations. 3 (97:3) He has remembered his mercy to Jacob, and his truth to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. 4 (97:4) Shout to God, all the earth; sing, and exult, and sing psalms. 5 (97:5) Sing to the Lord with a harp, with a harp, and the voice of a psalm. 6 (97:6) With trumpets of metal, and the sound of a trumpet of horn make a joyful noise to the Lord before the king. 7 (97:7) Let the sea be moved, and the fullness of it; the world, and they that dwell in it. 8 (97:8) The rivers shall clap their hands together; the mountains shall exult. 9 (97:9) For he is come to judge the earth; he shall judge the world in righteousness, and the nations in uprightness. 99 1 (98:1) A Psalm of David. The Lord reigns; — let the people rage; it is he that sits upon the cherubs, let the earth be moved. 2 (98:2) The Lord is great in Sion, and is high over all the people. 3 (98:3) Let them give thanks to thy great name; for it is terrible and holy. 4 (98:4) And the king's honour loves judgment; thou hast prepared equity, thou hast wrought judgment and justice in Jacob. 5 (98:5) Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy. 6 (98:6) Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among them that call upon his name; they called upon the Lord, and he heard them. 7 (98:7) He spoke to them in a pillar of cloud; they kept his testimonies, and the ordinances which he gave them. 8 (98:8) O Lord our God, thou heardest them; O God, thou becamest propitious to them, though thou didst take vengeance on all their devices. 9 (98:9) Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy. 100 1 (99:1) A Psalm for Thanksgiving. Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. 2 (99:2) Serve the Lord with gladness; come before his presence with exultation. 3 (99:3) Know that the Lord he is God; he made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 4 (99:4) Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with hymns; give thanks to him, praise his name. 5 (99:5) For the Lord is good, his mercy is for ever; and his truth endures to generation and generation. 101 1 (100:1) A Psalm of David. I will sing to thee, O Lord, of mercy and judgment; I will sing a psalm, 2 (100:2) and I will be wise in a blameless way. When wilt thou come to me? I walked in the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my house. 3 (100:3) I have not set before mine eyes any unlawful ting; I have hated transgressors. 4 (100:4) A perverse heart has not cleaved to me; I have not known an evil man, forasmuch as he turns away from me. 5 (100:5) Him that privily speaks against his neighbour, him have I driven from me: he that is proud in look and insatiable in heart, — with him I have not eaten. 6 (100:6) Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walked in a perfect way, the same ministered to me. 7 (100:7) The proud doer dwelt not in the midst of my house; the unjust speaker prospered not in my sight. 8 (100:8) Early did I slay all the sinners of the land, that I might destroy out of the city of the Lord all that work iniquity. 102 1 (101:1) A Prayer for the Poor; when he is deeply afflicted, and pours out his supplication before the Lord. Hear my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come to thee. 2 (101:2) Turn not away thy face from me: in the day when I am afflicted, incline thine ear to me: in the day when I shall call upon thee, speedily hear me. 3 (101:3) For my days have vanished like smoke, and my bones have been parched like a stick. 4 (101:4) I am blighted like grass, and my heart is dried up; for I have forgotten to eat my bread. 5 (101:5) By reason of the voice of my groaning, my bone has cleaved to my flesh. 6 (101:6) I have become like a pelican of the wilderness; 7 (101:7) I have become like an owl in a ruined house. I have watched, and am become as a sparrow dwelling alone on a roof. 8 (101:8) All the day long mine enemies have reproached me; and they that praised me have sworn against me. 9 (101:9) For I have eaten ashes as it were bread, and mingled my drink with weeping; 10 (101:10) because of thine anger and thy wrath: for thou hast lifted me up, and dashed me down. 11 (101:11) My days have declined like a shadow; and I am withered like grass. 12 (101:12) But thou, Lord, endurest for ever, and thy memorial to generation and generation. 13 (101:13) Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Sion: for it is time to have mercy upon her, for the set time is come. 14 (101:14) For thy servants have taken pleasure in her stones, and they shall pity her dust. 15 (101:15) So the nations shall fear thy name, O Lord, and all kings thy glory. 16 (101:16) For the Lord shall build up Sion, and shall appear in his glory. 17 (101:17) He has had regard to the prayer of the lowly, and has not despised their petition. 18 (101:18) Let this be written for another generation; and the people that shall be created shall praise the Lord. 19 (101:19) For he has looked out from the height of his sanctuary; the Lord looked upon the earth from heaven; 20 (101:20) to hear the groaning of the fettered ones, to loosen the sons of the slain; 21 (101:21) to proclaim the name of the Lord in Sion, and his praise in Jerusalem; 22 (101:22) when the people are gathered together, and the kings, to serve the Lord. 23 (101:23) He answered him in the way of his strength: tell me the fewness of my days. 24 (101:24) Take me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are through all generations. 25 (101:25) In the beginning thou, O Lord, didst lay the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands. 26 (101:26) They shall perish, but thou remainest: and they all shall wax old as a garment; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them, and they shall be changed. 27 (101:27) But thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. 28 (101:28) The children of thy servants shall dwell securely, and their seed shall prosper for ever. 103 1 (102:1) A Psalm of David. Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2 (102:2) Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his praises: 3 (102:3) who forgives all thy transgressions, who heals all thy diseases; 4 (102:4) who redeems thy life from corruption; who crowns thee with mercy and compassion; 5 (102:5) who satisfies thy desire with good things: so that thy youth shall be renewed like that of the eagle. 6 (102:6) The Lord executes mercy and judgment for all that are injured. 7 (102:7) He made known his ways to Moses, his will to the children of Israel. 8 (102:8) The Lord is compassionate and pitiful, long-suffering, and full of mercy. 9 (102:9) He will not be always angry; neither will he be wrathful for ever. 10 (102:10) He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor recompensed us according to our iniquities. 11 (102:11) For as the heaven is high above the earth, the Lord has so increased his mercy toward them that fear him. 12 (102:12) As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. 13 (102:13) As a father pities his children, the Lord pities them that fear him. 14 (102:14) For he knows our frame: remember that we are dust. 15 (102:15) As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so shall he flourish. 16 (102:16) For the wind passes over it, and it shall not be; and it shall know its place no more. 17 (102:17) But the mercy of the Lord is from generation to generation upon them that fear him, and his righteousness to children's children; 18 (102:18) to them that keep his covenant, and remember his commandments to do them. 19 (102:19) The Lord has prepared his throne in the heaven; and his kingdom rules over all. 20 (102:20) Bless the Lord, all ye his angels, mighty in strength, who perform his bidding, ready to hearken to the voice of his words. 21 (102:21) Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his that do his will. 22 (102:22) Bless the Lord, all his works, in every place of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my soul. 104 1 (103:1) A Psalm of David. Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou hast clothed thyself with praise and honour: 2 (103:2) who dost robe thyself with light as with a garment; spreading out the heaven as a curtain. 3 (103:3) Who covers his chambers with waters; who makes the clouds his chariot; who walks on the wings of the wind. 4 (103:4) Who makes his angels spirits, and his ministers a flaming fire. 5 (103:5) Who establishes the earth on her sure foundation: it shall not be moved for ever. 6 (103:6) The deep, as it were a garment, is his covering: the waters shall stand on the hills. 7 (103:7) At thy rebuke they shall flee; at the voice of thy thunder they shall be alarmed. 8 (103:8) They go up to the mountains, and down to the plains, to the place which thou hast founded for them. 9 (103:9) Thou hast set a bound which they shall not pass, neither shall they turn again to cover the earth. 10 (103:10) He sends forth his fountains among the valleys: the waters shall run between the mountains. 11 (103:11) They shall give drink to all the wild beasts of the field: the wild asses shall take of them to quench their thirst. 12 (103:12) By them shall the birds of the sky lodge: they shall utter a voice out of the midst of the rocks. 13 (103:13) He waters the mountains from his chambers: the earth shall be satisfied with the fruit of thy works. 14 (103:14) He makes grass to grow for the cattle, and green herb for the service of men, to bring bread out of the earth; 15 (103:15) and wine makes glad the heart of man, to make his face cheerful with oil: and bread strengthens man's heart. 16 (103:16) The trees of the plain shall be full of sap; even the cedars of Libanus which he has planted. 17 (103:17) There the sparrows will build their nests; and the house of the heron takes the lead among them. 18 (103:18) The high mountains are a refuge for the stags, and the rock for the rabbits. 19 (103:19) He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knows his going down. 20 (103:20) Thou didst make darkness, and it was night; in it all the wild beasts of the forest will be abroad: 21 (103:21) even young lions roaring for prey, and to seek meat for themselves from God. 22 (103:22) The sun arises, and they shall be gathered together, and shall lie down in their dens. 23 (103:23) Man shall go forth to his work, and to his labour till evening. 24 (103:24) How great are thy works, O Lord! in wisdom hast thou wrought them all: the earth is filled with thy creation. 25 (103:25) So is this great and wide sea: there are things creeping innumerable, small animals and great. 26 (103:26) There go the ships; and this dragon whom thou hast made to play in it. 27 (103:27) All wait upon thee, to give them their food in due season. 28 (103:28) When thou hast given it them, they will gather it; and when thou hast opened thine hand, they shall all be filled with good. 29 (103:29) But when thou hast turned away thy face, they shall be troubled: thou wilt take away their breath, and they shall fail, and return to their dust. 30 (103:30) Thou shalt send forth thy Spirit, and they shall be created; and thou shalt renew the face of the earth. 31 (103:31) Let the glory of the Lord be for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in his works; 32 (103:32) who looks upon the earth, and makes it tremble; who touches the mountains, and they smoke. 33 (103:33) I will sing to the Lord while I live; I will sing praise to my God while I exist. 34 (103:34) Let my meditation be sweet to him: and I will rejoice in the Lord. 35 (103:35) Let the sinners fail from off the earth, and transgressors, so that they shall be no more. Bless the Lord, O my soul. 105 1 (104:1) Alleluia. Give thanks to the Lord, and call upon his name; declare his works among the heathen. 2 (104:2) Sing to him, yea, sing praises to him: tell forth all his wonderful works. 3 (104:3) Glory in his holy name: let the heart of them that seek the Lord rejoice. 4 (104:4) Seek ye the Lord, and be strengthened; seek his face continually. 5 (104:5) Remember his wonderful works that he has done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth; 6 (104:6) ye seed of Abraam, his servants, ye children of Jacob, his chosen ones. 7 (104:7) He is the Lord our God; his judgments are in all the earth. 8 (104:8) He has remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded for a thousand generation: 9 (104:9) which he established as a covenant to Abraam, and he remembered his oath to Isaac. 10 (104:10) And he established it to Jacob for an ordinance, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant; 11 (104:11) saying To thee will I give the land of Chanaan, the line of your inheritance: 12 (104:12) when they were few in number, very few, and sojourners in it. 13 (104:13) And they went from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another people. 14 (104:14) He suffered no man to wrong them; and he rebuked kings for their sakes: 15 (104:15) saying, Touch not my anointed ones; and do my prophets no harm. 16 (104:16) Moreover he called for a famine upon the land; he broke the whole support of bread. 17 (104:17) He sent a man before them; Joseph was sold for a slave. 18 (104:18) They hurt his feet with fetters; his soul passed into iron, 19 (104:19) until the time that his cause came on; the word of the Lord tried him as fire. 20 (104:20) The king sent and loosed him; even the prince of the people, and let him go free. 21 (104:21) He made him Lord over his house, and ruler of all his substance; 22 (104:22) to chastise his rulers at his pleasure, and to teach his elders wisdom. 23 (104:23) Israel also came into Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Cham. 24 (104:24) And he increased his people greatly, and made them stronger than their enemies. 25 (104:25) And he turned their heart to hate his people, to deal craftily with his servants. 26 (104:26) He sent fort Moses his servant, and Aaron whom he had chosen. 27 (104:27) He established among them his signs, and his wonders in the land of Cham. 28 (104:28) He sent forth darkness, and made it dark; yet they rebelled against his words. 29 (104:29) He turned their waters into blood, and slew their fish. 30 (104:30) Their land produced frogs abundantly, in the chambers of their kings. 31 (104:31) He spoke, and the dog-fly came, and lice in all their coasts. 32 (104:32) He turned their rain into hail, and sent flaming fire in their land. 33 (104:33) And he smote their vines and their fig trees; and broke every tree of their coast. 34 (104:34) He spoke, and the locust came, and caterpillars innumerable, 35 (104:35) and devoured all the grass in their land, and devoured the fruit of the ground. 36 (104:36) He smote also every first-born of their land, the first-fruits of all their labour. 37 (104:37) And he brought them out with silver and gold; and there was not a feeble one among their tribes. 38 (104:38) Egypt rejoiced at their departing; for the fear of them fell upon them. 39 (104:39) He spread out a cloud for a covering to them, and fire to give them light by night. 40 (104:40) They asked, and the quail came, and he satisfied them with the bread of heaven. 41 (104:41) He clave the rock, and the waters flowed, rivers ran in dry places. 42 (104:42) For he remembered his holy word, which he promised to Abraam his servant. 43 (104:43) And he brought out his people with exultation, and his chosen with joy; 44 (104:44) and gave them the lands of the heathen; and they inherited the labours of the people; 45 (104:45) that they might keep his ordinances, and diligently seek his law. 106 1 (105:1) Alleluia. Give thanks to the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever. 2 (105:2) Who shall tell the mighty acts of the Lord? who shall cause all his praises to be heard? 3 (105:3) Blessed are they that keep judgment, and do righteousness at all times. 4 (105:4) Remember us, O Lord, with the favour thou hast to thy people: visit us with thy salvation; 5 (105:5) that we may behold the good of thine elect, that we may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation, that we may glory with thine inheritance. 6 (105:6) We have sinned with our fathers, we have transgressed, we have done unrighteously. 7 (105:7) Our fathers in Egypt understood not thy wonders, and remembered not the multitude of thy mercy; but provoked him as they went up by the Red Sea. 8 (105:8) Yet he saved them for his name's sake, that he might cause his mighty power to be known. 9 (105:9) And he rebuked the Red Sea, and it was dried up: so he led them through the deep as through the wilderness. 10 (105:10) And he saved them out of the hand of them that hated them, and redeemed them out of the hand of the enemy. 11 (105:11) The water covered those that oppressed them: there was not one of them left. 12 (105:12) Then they believed his words, and celebrated his praise. 13 (105:13) They made haste, they forgot his works; they waited not for his counsel. 14 (105:14) And they lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the dry land. 15 (105:15) And he gave them their request, and sent fullness into their souls. 16 (105:16) They provoked Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the holy one of the Lord. 17 (105:17) The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and closed upon the congregation of Abiron. 18 (105:18) And a fire was kindled in their congregation, and a flame burnt up the sinners. 19 (105:19) And they made a calf in Choreb, and worshipped the graven image, 20 (105:20) and they changed their glory into the similitude of a calf that feeds on grass. 21 (105:21) They forgot God that saved them, who had wrought great deeds in Egypt; 22 (105:22) wondrous works in the land of Cham, and terrible things at the Red Sea. 23 (105:23) So he said that he would have destroyed them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn him away from the fierceness of his anger, so that he should not destroy them. 24 (105:24) Moreover they set at nought the desirable land, and believed not his word. 25 (105:25) And they murmured in their tents: they hearkened not to the voice of the Lord. 26 (105:26) So he lifted up his hand against them, to cast them down in the wilderness; 27 (105:27) and to cast down their seed among the nations, and to scatter them in the countries. 28 (105:28) They were joined also to Beelphegor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. And they provoked him with their devices; 29 (105:29) and destruction, was multiplied among them. 30 (105:30) Then Phinees stood up, and made atonement: and the plague ceased. 31 (105:31) And it was counted to him for righteousness, to all generations for ever. 32 (105:32) They provoked him also at the water of Strife, and Moses was hurt for their sakes; 33 (105:33) for they provoked his spirit, and he spoke unadvisedly with his lips. 34 (105:34) They destroyed not the nations which the Lord told them to destroy; 35 (105:35) but were mingled with the heathen, and learned their works. 36 (105:36) And they served their graven images; and it became an offence to them. 37 (105:37) And they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to devils, 38 (105:38) and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Chanaan; and the land was defiled with blood. 39 (105:39) and was polluted with their works; and they went a whoring with their own devices. 40 (105:40) So the Lord was very angry with his people, and he abhorred his inheritance. 41 (105:41) And he delivered them into the hands of their enemies; and they that hated them ruled over them. 42 (105:42) Ands their enemies oppressed them, and they were brought down under their hands. 43 (105:43) Many a time he delivered them; but they provoked him by their counsel, and they were brought low by their iniquities. 44 (105:44) Ye the Lord looked upon their affliction, when he heard their petition. 45 (105:45) And he remembered his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercy. 46 (105:46) And he caused them to be pitied in the sight of all who carried them captive. 47 (105:47) Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the heathen, that we may give thanks to thy holy name, that we may glory in thy praise. 48 (105:48) Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting and to everlasting; and all the people shall say, Amen, Amen. 107 1 (106:1) Alleluia. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endures for ever. 2 (106:2) Let them say so who have been redeemed by the Lord, whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy; 3 (106:3) and gathered them out of the countries, from the east, and west, and north, and south. 4 (106:4) They wandered in the wilderness in a dry land; they found no way to a city of habitation. 5 (106:5) Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them. 6 (106:6) Then they cried to the Lord in their affliction, and he delivered them out of their distresses. 7 (106:7) And he guided them into a straight path, that they might go to a city of habitation. 8 (106:8) Let them acknowledge to the Lord his mercies, and his wonderful works to the children of men. 9 (106:9) For he satisfies the empty soul, and fills the hungry soul with good things, 10 (106:10) even them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death, fettered in poverty and iron; 11 (106:11) because they rebelled against the words of God, and provoked the counsel of the Most High. 12 (106:12) So their heart was brought low with troubles; they were weak, and there was no helper. 13 (106:13) Then they cried to the Lord in their affliction, and he saved them out of their distresses. 14 (106:14) And he brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their bonds asunder. 15 (106:15) Let them acknowledge to the Lord his mercies, and his wonders to the children of men. 16 (106:16) For he broke to pieces the brazen gates, and crushed the iron bars. 17 (106:17) He helped them out of the way of their iniquity; for they were brought low because of their iniquities. 18 (106:18) Their soul abhorred all meat; and they drew near to the gates of death. 19 (106:19) Then they cried to the Lord in their affliction, and he saved them out of their distresses. 20 (106:20) He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them out of their destructions. 21 (106:21) Let them acknowledge to the Lord his mercies, and his wonderful works to the children of men. 22 (106:22) And let them offer to him the sacrifice of praise, and proclaim this works with exultation. 23 (106:23) They that go down to the sea in ships, doing business in many waters; 24 (106:24) these men have seen the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep. 25 (106:25) He speaks, and the stormy wind arises, and its waves are lifted up. 26 (106:26) They go up to the heavens, and go down to the depths; their soul melts because of troubles. 27 (106:27) They are troubled, they stagger as a drunkard, and all their wisdom is swallowed up. 28 (106:28) Then they cry to the Lord in their affliction, and he brings them out of their distresses. 29 (106:29) And he commands the storm, and it is calmed into a gentle breeze, and its waves are still. 30 (106:30) And they are glad, because they are quiet; and he guides them to their desire haven. 31 (106:31) Let them acknowledge to the Lord his mercies, and his wonderful works to the children of men. 32 (106:32) Let them exalt him in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the seat of the elders. 33 (106:33) He turns rivers into a desert, and streams of water into a dry land; 34 (106:34) a fruitful land into saltness, for the wickedness of them that dwell in it. 35 (106:35) He turns a wilderness into pools of water, and a dry land into streams of water. 36 (106:36) And there he causes the hungry to dwell, and they establish for themselves cities of habitation. 37 (106:37) And they sow fields, and plant vineyards, and they yield fruit of increase. 38 (106:38) And he blesses them, and they multiply exceedingly, and he diminishes not the number of their cattle. 39 (106:39) Again they become few, and are brought low, by the pressure of evils and pain. 40 (106:40) Contempt is poured upon their princes, and he causes them to wander in a desert and trackless land. 41 (106:41) But he helps the poor out of poverty, and makes him families as a flock. 42 (106:42) The upright shall see and rejoice; and all iniquity shall stop her mouth. 43 (106:43) Who is wise, and will observe these things, and understand the mercies of the Lord? 108 1 (107:1) Song of a Psalm by David. O God, my heart is ready, my heart is ready; I will sing and sing psalms with my glory. 2 (107:2) Awake, psaltery and harp; I will awake early. 3 (107:3) I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, among the people; I will sing praise to thee among the Gentiles. 4 (107:4) For thy mercy is great above the heavens, and thy truth reaches to the clouds. 5 (107:5) Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; and thy glory above all the earth. 6 (107:6) That thy beloved ones may be delivered, save with thy right hand, and hear me. God has spoken in his sanctuary; 7 (107:7) I will be exalted, and will divide Sicima, and will measure out the valley of tents. 8 (107:8) Galaad is mine; and Manasses is mine; and Ephraim is the help of mine head; Judas is my king; 9 (107:9) Moab is the caldron of my hope; over Idumea will I cast my sandal; the Philistines are made subject to me. 10 (107:10) Who will bring me into the fortified city? or who will guide me to Idumea? 11 (107:11) Wilt not thou, O God, who hast rejected us? and wilt not thou, O God, go forth with our hosts? 12 (107:12) Give us help from tribulation: for vain is the help of man. 13 (107:13) Through God we shall do valiantly; and he will bring to nought our enemies. 109 1 (108:1) For the end, a Psalm of David. O God, pass not over my praise in silence; 2 (108:2) for the mouth of the sinner and the mouth of the crafty man have been opened against me: they have spoken against me with a crafty tongue. 3 (108:3) And they have compassed me with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause. 4 (108:4) Instead of loving me, they falsely accused me: but I continued to pray. 5 (108:5) And they rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love. 6 (108:6) Set thou a sinner against him; and let the devil stand at his right hand. 7 (108:7) When he is judged, let him go forth condemned: and let his prayer become sin. 8 (108:8) Let his days be few: and let another take his office of overseer. 9 (108:9) Let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow. 10 (108:10) Let his children wander without a dwelling-place, and beg: let them be cast out of their habitations. 11 (108:11) Let his creditor exact all that belongs to him: and let strangers spoil his labours. 12 (108:12) Let him have no helper; neither let there be any one to have compassion on his fatherless children. 13 (108:13) Let his children be given up to utter destruction: in one generation let his name be blotted out. 14 (108:14) Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. 15 (108:15) Let them be before the Lord continually; and let their memorial be blotted out from the earth. 16 (108:16) Because he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the needy and poor man, and that to slay him that was pricked in the heart. 17 (108:17) He loved cursing also, and it shall come upon him; and he took not pleasure in blessing, so it shall be removed far from him. 18 (108:18) Yea, he put on cursing as a garment, and it is come as water into his bowels, and as oil into his bones. 19 (108:19) Let it be to him as a garment which he puts on, and as a girdle with which he girds himself continually. 20 (108:20) This is the dealing of the Lord with those who falsely accuse me, and of them that speak evil against my soul. 21 (108:21) But thou, O Lord, Lord, deal mercifully with me, for thy name's sake: for thy mercy is good. 22 (108:22) Deliver me, for I am poor and needy; and my heart is troubled within me. 23 (108:23) I am removed as a shadow in its going down: I am tossed up and down like locusts. 24 (108:24) My knees are weakened through fasting, and my flesh is changed by reason of the want of oil. 25 (108:25) I became also a reproach to them: when they saw me they shook their heads. 26 (108:26) Help me, O Lord my God; and save me according to thy mercy. 27 (108:27) And let them know that this is thy hand; and that thou, Lord, hast wrought it. 28 (108:28) Let them curse, but thou shalt bless: let them that rise up against me be ashamed, but let thy servant rejoice. 29 (108:29) Let those that falsely accuse me be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their shame as with a mantle. 30 (108:30) I will give thanks to the Lord abundantly with my mouth; and in the midst of many I will praise him. 31 (108:31) For he stood on the right hand of the poor, to save me from them that persecute my soul. 110 1 (109:1) A Psalm of David. The Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. 2 (109:2) The Lord shall send out a rod of power for thee out of Sion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 (109:3) With thee is dominion in the day of thy power, in the splendours of thy saints: I have begotten thee from the womb before the morning. 4 (109:4) The Lord sware, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec. 5 (109:5) The Lord at thy right hand has dashed in pieces kings in the day of his wrath. 6 (109:6) He shall judge among the nations, he shall fill up the number of corpses, he shall crush the heads of many on the earth. 7 (109:7) He shall drink of the brook in the way; therefore shall he lift up the head. 111 1 (110:1) Alleluia. I will give thee thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart, in the council of the upright, and in the congregation. 2 (110:2) The works of the Lord are great, sought out according to all his will. 3 (110:3) His work is worthy of thanksgiving and honour: and his righteousness endures for ever and ever. 4 (110:4) He has caused his wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is merciful and compassionate. 5 (110:5) He has given food to them that fear him: he will remember his covenant for ever. 6 (110:6) He has declared to his people the power of his works, to give them the inheritance of the heathen. 7 (110:7) The works of his hands are truth and judgment: all his commandments are sure: 8 (110:8) established for ever and ever, done in truth and uprightness. 9 (110:9) He sent redemption to his people: he commanded his covenant for ever: holy and fearful is his name. 10 (110:10) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and all that act accordingly have a good understanding; his praise endures for ever and ever. 112 1 (111:1) Alleluia. Blessed is the man that fears the Lord: he will delight greatly in his commandments. 2 (111:2) His seed shall be mighty in the earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. 3 (111:3) Glory and riches shall be in his house; and his righteousness endures for evermore. 4 (111:4) To the upright light has sprung up in darkness: he is pitiful, and merciful, and righteous. 5 (111:5) The good man is he that pities and lends: he will direct his affairs with judgment. 6 (111:6) For he shall not be moved for ever; the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. 7 (111:7) He shall not be afraid of any evil report: his heart is ready to trust in the Lord. 8 (111:8) His heart is established, he shall not fear, till he shall see his desire upon his enemies. 9 (111:9) He has dispersed abroad; he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures for evermore: his horn shall be exalted with honour. 10 (111:10) The sinner shall see and be angry, he shall gnash his teeth, and consume away: the desire of the sinner shall perish. 113 1 (112:1) Alleluia. Praise the Lord, ye servants of his, praise, the name of the Lord. 2 (112:2) Let the name of the Lord be blessed, from this present time and for ever. 3 (112:3) From the rising of the sun to his setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised. 4 (112:4) The Lord is high above all the nations; his glory is above the heavens. 5 (112:5) Who is as the Lord our God? who dwells in the high places, 6 (112:6) and yet looks upon the low things in heaven, and on the earth: 7 (112:7) who lifts up the poor from the earth, and raises up the needy from the dunghill; 8 (112:8) to set him with princes, even with the princes of his people: 9 (112:9) who settles the barren woman in a house, as a mother rejoicing over children. 114 1 (113:1) Alleluia. At the going forth of Israel from Egypt, of the house of Jacob from a barbarous people, 2 (113:2) Judea became his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion. 3 (113:3) The sea saw and fled: Jordan was turned back. 4 (113:4) The mountains skipped like rams, and the hills like lambs. 5 (113:5) What ailed thee, O sea, that thou fleddest? and thou Jordan, that thou wast turned back? 6 (113:6) Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams, and ye hills, like lambs? 7 (113:7) The earth trembled at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob; 8 (113:8) who turned the rock into pools of water, and the flint into fountains of water. 115 1 (114:1) Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to thy name give glory, because of thy mercy and thy truth; 2 (114:2) lest at any time the nations should say, Where is their God? 3 (114:3) But our God has done in heaven and on earth, whatsoever he has pleased. 4 (114:4) The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the works of men's hands. 5 (114:5) They have a mouth, but they cannot speak; they have eyes, but they cannot see: 6 (114:6) they have ears, but they cannot hear; they have noses, but they cannot smell; 7 (114:7) they have hands, but they cannot handle; they have feet, but they cannot walk: they cannot speak through their throat. 8 (114:8) Let those that make them become like to them, and all who trust in them. 9 (114:9) The house of Israel trusts in the Lord: he is their helper and defender. 10 (114:10) The house of Aaron trusts in the Lord: he is their helper and defender. 11 (114:11) They that fear the Lord trust in the Lord: he is their helper and defender. 12 (114:12) The Lord has remembered us, and blessed us: he has blessed the house of Israel, he has blessed the house of Aaron. 13 (114:13) He has blessed them that fear the Lord, both small and great. 14 (114:14) The Lord add blessings to you and to your children. 15 (114:15) Blessed are ye of the Lord, who made the heaven and the earth. 16 (114:16) The heaven of heavens belongs to the Lord: but he has given the earth to the sons of men. 17 (114:17) The dead shall not praise thee, O Lord, nor any that go down to Hades. 18 (114:18) But we, the living, will bless the Lord, from henceforth and for ever. 116 1 (115:1) Alleluia. I am well pleased, because the Lord will hearken to the voice of my supplication. 2 (115:2) Because he has inclined his ear to me, therefore will I call upon him while I live. 3 (115:3) The pangs of death compassed me; the dangers of hell found me: I found affliction and sorrow. 4 (115:4) Then I called on the name of the Lord: O Lord, deliver my soul. 5 (115:5) The Lord is merciful and righteous; yea, our God has pity. 6 (115:6) The Lord preserves the simple: I was brought low, and he delivered me. 7 (115:7) Return to thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with thee. 8 (115:8) For he has delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. 9 (115:9) I shall be well-pleasing before the Lord in the land of the living. Alleluia: 10 (115:10) I believed, wherefore I have spoken: but I was greatly afflicted. 11 (115:11) And I said in mine amazement, Every man is a liar. 12 (115:12) What shall I render to the Lord for all the things wherein he has rewarded me? 13 (115:13) I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. 14 (115:14) I will pay my vows to the Lord, in the presence of all his people. 15 (115:15) Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. 16 (115:16) O Lord, I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast burst by bonds asunder. 17 (115:17) I will offer to thee the sacrifice of praise, and will call upon the name of the Lord. 18 (115:18) I will pay my vows unto the Lord, in the presence of all his people, 19 (115:19) in the courts of the Lord's house, in the midst of thee, Jerusalem. 117 1 (116:1) Alleluia. Praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye peoples. 2 (116:2) For his mercy has been abundant toward us: and the truth of the Lord endures for ever. 118 1 (117:1) Alleluia. Give thanks to the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever. 2 (117:2) Let now the house of Israel say, that he is good: for his mercy endures for ever. 3 (117:3) Let now the house of Aaron say, that he is good: for his mercy endures for ever. 4 (117:4) Let now all that fear the Lord say, that he is good: for his mercy endures for ever. 5 (117:5) I called on the Lord out of affliction: and he hearkened to me, so as to bring me into a wide place. 6 (117:6) The Lord is my helper; and I will not fear what man shall do to me. 7 (117:7) The Lord is my helper; and I shall see my desire upon mine enemies. 8 (117:8) It is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in man. 9 (117:9) It is better to hope in the Lord, than to hope in princes. 10 (117:10) All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord I repulsed them. 11 (117:11) They completely compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord I repulsed them. 12 (117:12) They compassed me about as bees do a honeycomb, and they burst into flame as fire among thorns: but in the name of the Lord I repulsed them. 13 (117:13) I was thrust, and sorely shaken, that I might fall: but the Lord helped me. 14 (117:14) The Lord is my strength and my song, and is become my salvation. 15 (117:15) The voice of exultation and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the Lord has wrought mightily. 16 (117:16) The right hand of the Lord has exalted me: the right hand of the Lord has wrought powerfully. 17 (117:17) I shall not die, but live, and recount the works of the Lord. 18 (117:18) The Lord has chastened me sore: but he has not given me up to death. 19 (117:19) Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and give praise to the Lord. 20 (117:20) This is the gate of the Lord: the righteous shall enter by it. 21 (117:21) I will give thanks to thee; because thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. 22 (117:22) The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner. 23 (117:23) This has been done of the Lord; and it is wonderful in our eyes. 24 (117:24) This is the day which the Lord has made: let us exult and rejoice in it. 25 (117:25) O Lord, save now: O Lord, send now prosperity. 26 (117:26) Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord: we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord. 27 (117:27) God is the Lord, and he has shined upon us: celebrate the feast with thick branches, binding the victims even to the horns of the altar. 28 (117:28) Thou art my God, and I will give thee thanks: thou art my God, and I will exalt thee. I will give thanks to thee, for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. 29 (117:29) Give thanks to the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever. 119 1 (118:1) Alleluia. Blessed are the blameless in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. 2 (118:2) Blessed are they that search out his testimonies: they will diligently seek him with the whole heart. 3 (118:3) For they that work iniquity have not walked in his ways. 4 (118:4) Thou hast commanded us diligently to keep thy precepts. 5 (118:5) O that my ways were directed to keep thine ordinances. 6 (118:6) Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect to all thy commandments. 7 (118:7) I will give thee thanks with uprightness of heart, when I have learnt the judgments of thy righteousness. 8 (118:8) I will keep thine ordinances: O forsake me not greatly. 9 (118:9) Wherewith shall a young man direct his way? by keeping thy words. 10 (118:10) With my whole heart have I diligently sought thee: cast me not away from thy commandments. 11 (118:11) I have hidden thine oracles in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. 12 (118:12) Blessed art thou, O Lord: teach me thine ordinances. 13 (118:13) With my lips have I declared all the judgments of thy mouth. 14 (118:14) I have delighted in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. 15 (118:15) I will meditate on thy commandments, and consider thy ways. 16 (118:16) I will meditate on thine ordinances: I will not forget thy words. 17 (118:17) Render a recompense to thy servant: so shall I live, and keep thy words. 18 (118:18) Unveil thou mine eyes, and I shall perceive wondrous things of thy law. 19 (118:19) I am a stranger in the earth: hide not thy commandments from me. 20 (118:20) My soul has longed exceedingly for thy judgments at all times. 21 (118:21) Thou has rebuked the proud: cursed are they that turn aside from thy commandments. 22 (118:22) Remove from me reproach and contempt; for I have sought out thy testimonies. 23 (118:23) For princes sat and spoke against me: but thy servant was meditating on thine ordinances. 24 (118:24) For thy testimonies are my meditation, and thine ordinances are my counsellors. 25 (118:25) My soul has cleaved to the ground; quicken thou me according to thy word. 26 (118:26) I declared my ways, and thou didst hear me: teach me thine ordinances. 27 (118:27) Instruct me in the way of thine ordinances; and I will meditate on thy wondrous works. 28 (118:28) My soul has slumbered for sorrow; strengthen thou me with thy words. 29 (118:29) Remove from me the way of iniquity; and be merciful to me by thy law. 30 (118:30) I have chosen the way of truth; and have not forgotten thy judgments. 31 (118:31) I have cleaved to thy testimonies, O Lord; put me not to shame. 32 (118:32) I ran the way of thy commandments, when thou didst enlarge my heart. 33 (118:33) Teach me, O Lord, the way of thine ordinances, and I will seek it out continually. 34 (118:34) Instruct me, and I will search out thy law, and will keep it with my whole heart. 35 (118:35) Guide me in the path of thy commandments; for I have delighted in it. 36 (118:36) Incline mine heart to thy testimonies, and not to covetousness. 37 (118:37) Turn away mine eyes that I may not behold vanity: quicken thou me in thy way. 38 (118:38) Confirm thine oracle to thy servant, that he may fear thee. 39 (118:39) Take away my reproach which I have feared: for thy judgments are good. 40 (118:40) Behold, I have desired thy commandments: quicken me in thy righteousness. 41 (118:41) And let thy mercy come upon me, O Lord; even thy salvation, according to thy word. 42 (118:42) And so I shall render an answer to them that reproach me: for I have trusted in thy words. 43 (118:43) And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; for I have hoped in thy judgments. 44 (118:44) So shall I keep thy law continually, for ever and ever. 45 (118:45) I walked also at large: for I sought out thy commandments. 46 (118:46) And I spoke of thy testimonies before kings, and was not ashamed. 47 (118:47) And I meditated on thy commandments, which I loved exceedingly. 48 (118:48) And I lifted up my hands to thy commandments which I loved; and I meditated in thine ordinances. 49 (118:49) Remember thy words to thy servant, wherein thou hast made me hope. 50 (118:50) This has comforted me in mine affliction: for thine oracle has quickened me. 51 (118:51) The proud have transgressed exceedingly; but I swerved not from thy law. 52 (118:52) I remembered thy judgements of old, O Lord; and was comforted. 53 (118:53) Despair took hold upon me, because of the sinners who forsake thy law. 54 (118:54) Thine ordinances were my sons in the place of my sojourning. 55 (118:55) I remembered thy name, O Lord, in the night, and kept thy law. 56 (118:56) This I had, because I diligently sought thine ordinances. 57 (118:57) Thou art my portion, O Lord: I said that I would keep thy law. 58 (118:58) I besought thy favour with my whole heart: have mercy upon me according to thy word. 59 (118:59) I thought on thy ways, and turned my feet to thy testimonies. 60 (118:60) I prepared myself, (and was not terrified,) to keep thy commandments. 61 (118:61) The snares of sinners entangled me: but I forgot not thy law. 62 (118:62) At midnight I arose, to give thanks to thee for the judgments of thy righteousness. 63 (118:63) I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy commandments. 64 (118:64) O Lord, the earth is full of thy mercy: teach me thine ordinances. 65 (118:65) Thou hast wrought kindly with thy servant, o Lord, according to thy word. 66 (118:66) Teach me kindness, and instruction, and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments. 67 (118:67) Before I was afflicted, I transgressed; therefore have I kept thy word. 68 (118:68) Good art thou, O Lord; therefore in thy goodness teach me thine ordinances. 69 (118:69) The injustice of the proud has been multiplied against me: but I will search out thy commandments with all my heart. 70 (118:70) Their heart has been curdled like milk; but I have meditated on thy law. 71 (118:71) It is good for me that thou hast afflicted me; that I might learn thine ordinances. 72 (118:72) The law of thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver. 73 (118:73) Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me: instruct me, that I may learn thy commandments. 74 (118:74) They that fear thee will see me and rejoice: for I have hoped in thy words. 75 (118:75) I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are righteousness, and that thou in truthfulness hast afflicted me. 76 (118:76) Let, I pray thee, thy mercy be to comfort me, according to thy word to thy servant. 77 (118:77) Let thy compassions come to me, that I may live: for thy law is my meditation. 78 (118:78) Let the proud be ashamed; for they transgressed against me unjustly: but I will meditate in thy commandments. 79 (118:79) Let those that fear thee, and those that know thy testimonies, turn to me. 80 (118:80) Let mine heart be blameless in thine ordinances, that I may not be ashamed. 81 (118:81) My soul faints for thy salvation: I have hoped in thy words. 82 (118:82) Mine eyes failed in waiting for thy word, saying, When wilt thou comfort me? 83 (118:83) For I am become as a bottle in the frost: yet I have not forgotten thine ordinances. 84 (118:84) How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou execute judgment for me on them that persecute me? 85 (118:85) Transgressors told me idle tales; but not according to thy law, O Lord. 86 (118:86) All thy commandments are truth; they persecuted me unjustly; help thou me. 87 (118:87) They nearly made an end of me in the earth; but I forsook not thy commandments. 88 (118:88) Quicken me according to thy mercy; so shall I keep the testimonies of thy mouth. 89 (118:89) Thy word, O Lord, abides in heaven for ever. 90 (118:90) Thy truth endures to all generations; thou hast founded the earth, and it abides. 91 (118:91) The day continues by thy arrangement; for all things are thy servants. 92 (118:92) Were it not that thy law is my meditation, then I should have perished in mine affliction. 93 (118:93) I will never forget thine ordinances; for with them thou hast quickened me. 94 (118:94) I am thine, save me; for I have sought out thine ordinances. 95 (118:95) Sinners laid wait for me to destroy me; but I understood thy testimonies. 96 (118:96) I have seen an end of all perfection; but thy commandment is very broad. 97 (118:97) How I have loved thy law, O Lord! it is my meditation all the day. 98 (118:98) Thou hast made me wiser than mine enemies in thy commandment; for it is mine for ever. 99 (118:99) I have more understanding than all my teachers; for thy testimonies are my medication. 100 (118:100) I understand more that the aged; because I have sought out thy commandments. 101 (118:101) I have kept back my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy words. 102 (118:102) I have not declined from thy judgments; for thou hast instructed me. 103 (118:103) How sweet are thine oracles to my throat! more so than honey to my mouth! 104 (118:104) I gain understanding by thy commandments: therefore I have hated every way of unrighteousness. 105 (118:105) Thy law is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my paths. 106 (118:106) I have sworn and determined to keep the judgments of thy righteousness. 107 (118:107) I have been very greatly afflicted, O Lord: quicken me, according to thy word. 108 (118:108) Accept, I pray thee, O Lord, the freewill-offerings of my mouth, and teach me thy judgments. 109 (118:109) My soul is continually in thine hands; and I have not forgotten thy law. 110 (118:110) Sinners spread a snare for me; but I erred not from thy commandments. 111 (118:111) I have inherited thy testimonies for ever; for they are the joy of my heart. 112 (118:112) I have inclined my heart to perform thine ordinances for ever, in return for thy mercies. 113 (118:113) I have hated transgressors; but I have loved thy law. 114 (118:114) Thou art my helper and my supporter; I have hoped in thy words. 115 (118:115) Depart from me, ye evil-doers; for I will search out the commandments of my God. 116 (118:116) Uphold me according to thy word, and quicken me; and make me not ashamed of my expectation. 117 (118:117) Help me, and I shall be saved; and I will meditate in thine ordinances continually. 118 (118:118) Thou hast brought to nought all that depart from thine ordinances; for their inward thought is unrighteous. 119 (118:119) I have reckoned all the sinners of the earth as transgressors; therefore have I loved thy testimonies. 120 (118:120) Penetrate my flesh with thy fear; for I am afraid of thy judgments. 121 (118:121) I have done judgment and justice; deliver me not up to them that injure me. 122 (118:122) Receive thy servant for good: let not the proud accuse me falsely. 123 (118:123) Mine eyes have failed for thy salvation, and for the word of thy righteousness. 124 (118:124) Deal with thy servant according to thy mercy, and teach me thine ordinances. 125 (118:125) I am thy servant; instruct me, and I shall know thy testimonies. 126 (118:126) It is time for the Lord to work: they have utterly broken thy law. 127 (118:127) Therefore have I loved thy commandments more than gold, or the topaz. 128 (118:128) Therefore I directed myself according to all thy commandments: I have hated every unjust way. 129 (118:129) Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore my soul has sought them out. 130 (118:130) The manifestation of thy words will enlighten, and instruct the simple. 131 (118:131) I opened my mouth, and drew breath: for I earnestly longed after thy commandments. 132 (118:132) Look upon me and have mercy upon me, after the manner of them that love thy name. 133 (118:133) Order my steps according to thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. 134 (118:134) Deliver me from the false accusation of men: so will I keep thy commandments. 135 (118:135) Cause thy face to shine upon thy servant: and teach me thine ordinances. 136 (118:136) Mine eyes have been bathed in streams of water, because I kept not thy law. 137 (118:137) Righteous art thou, O Lord, and upright are thy judgments. 138 (118:138) Thou has commanded righteousness and perfect truth, as thy testimonies. 139 (118:139) Thy zeal has quite wasted me: because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. 140 (118:140) Thy word has been very fully tried; and thy servant loves it. 141 (118:141) I am young and despised: yet I have not forgotten thine ordinances. 142 (118:142) Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is truth. 143 (118:143) Afflictions and distresses found me: but thy commandments were my meditation. 144 (118:144) Thy testimonies are an everlasting righteousness: instruct me, and I shall live. 145 (118:145) I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O Lord: I will search out thine ordinances. 146 (118:146) I cried to thee; save me, and I will keep thy testimonies. 147 (118:147) I arose before the dawn, and cried: I hoped in thy words. 148 (118:148) Mine eyes prevented the dawn, that I might meditate on thine oracles. 149 (118:149) Hear my voice, O Lord, according to thy mercy; quicken me according to thy judgment. 150 (118:150) They have drawn nigh who persecuted me unlawfully; and they are far removed from thy law. 151 (118:151) Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy ways are truth. 152 (118:152) I have known of old concerning thy testimonies, that thou hast founded them for ever. 153 (118:153) Look upon mine affliction, and rescue me; for I have not forgotten thy law. 154 (118:154) Plead my cause, and ransom me: quicken me because of thy word. 155 (118:155) Salvation is far from sinners: for they have not searched out thine ordinances. 156 (118:156) Thy mercies, O Lord, are many: quicken me according to thy judgment. 157 (118:157) Many are they that persecute me and oppress me: but I have not declined from thy testimonies. 158 (118:158) I beheld men acting foolishly, and I pined away; for they kept not thine oracles. 159 (118:159) Behold, I have loved thy commandments, O Lord: quicken me in thy mercy. 160 (118:160) The beginning of thy words is truth; and all the judgments of thy righteousness endure for ever. 161 (118:161) Princes persecuted me without a cause, but my heart feared because of thy words. 162 (118:162) I will exult because of thine oracles, as one that finds much spoil. 163 (118:163) I hate and abhor unrighteousness; but I love thy law. 164 (118:164) Seven times in a day have I praised thee because of the judgments of thy righteousness. 165 (118:165) Great peace have they that love thy law: and there is no stumbling-block to them. 166 (118:166) I waited for thy salvation, O Lord, and have loved thy commandments. 167 (118:167) My soul has kept thy testimonies, and loved them exceedingly. 168 (118:168) I have kept thy commandments and thy testimonies; for all my ways are before thee, O Lord. 169 (118:169) Let my supplication come near before thee, o Lord; instruct me according to thine oracle. 170 (118:170) Let my petition come in before thee, O Lord; deliver me according to thine oracle. 171 (118:171) Let my lips utter a hymn, when thou shalt have taught me thine ordinances. 172 (118:172) Let my tongue utter thine oracles; for all thy commandments are righteous. 173 (118:173) Let thine hand be prompt to save me; for I have chosen thy commandments. 174 (118:174) I have longed after thy salvation, O Lord; and thy law is my meditation. 175 (118:175) My soul shall live, and shall praise thee; and thy judgments shall help me. 176 (118:176) I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek thy servant; for I have not forgotten thy commandments.