Acts 16:1-40

CLV(i) 1 Now he arrives also at Derbe and at Lystra. And lo! a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a believing Jewish woman, yet of a Greek father, 2 who was attested by the brethren in Lystra and Iconium. 3 This one Paul wants to come out with him, and, taking him, circumcised him because of the Jews who are in those places, for they all were aware that his father belonged to the Greeks." 4 Now, as they went through the cities, they give over to them the decrees to maintain, which have been decided upon by the apostles and elders who are in Jerusalem." 5 The ecclesias, indeed, then, were stable in the faith and superabounded in number day by day." 6 Now they passed through Phrygia and the Galatian province, being forbidden by the holy spirit to speak the word in the province of Asia." 7 Yet, coming about Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, and the spirit of Jesus does not let them." 8 Yet they, passing by Mysia, descended into Troas." 9 And during the night a vision was seen by Paul. A certain man, a Macedonian, was standing and entreating him, and saying, "Cross over into Macedonia! Help us!" 10 Now as he perceived the vision, we immediately seek to come out to Macedonia, deducing that God has called us to bring the evangel to them." 11 Now, setting out from Troas, we run straight to Samothrace, yet the ensuing day to Neapolis, 12 and thence to Philippi, which is the foremost city of that part of Macedonia, a colony." 13 Now we were in this city, tarrying some days. Besides, on the day of the sabbaths we came outside of the gate beside a river, where we inferred there is prayer, and, being seated, we spoke to the women who are coming together." 14 And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira, revering God, heard, whose heart the Lord opens up to heed what is spoken by Paul." 15 Now as she is baptized, she and her household, she entreats, saying, "If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, enter into my house and remain.And she urges us." 16 Now it occurred, at our going to prayer, a certain maid, having a python spirit, meets us, who afforded a vast income to her masters, divining." 17 She, following after Paul and us, cried, saying, "These men are slaves of God most high, who are announcing to you a way of salvation!" 18 Now this she did on many days. Now Paul, being exasperated and turning about, said to the spirit, "I am charging you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to be coming out from her!And it came out the same hour." 19 Now her masters, perceiving that the expectation of their income was come out, getting hold of Paul and Silas, draw them into the market to the magistrates, 20 and, leading them to the officers, say, "These men are confounding our city. Belonging to the Jews, they are" 21 also announcing customs which it is not allowed us to assent to, nor to do, being Romans." 22 And the throng assailed them, and the officers, tearing off their garments, ordered them to be flogged with rods." 23 Besides, placing on them many blows, they cast them into jail, charging the warden to keep them securely, 24 who, getting such a charge, casts them into the interior jail, and secures their feet in the stocks." 25 Now at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and sang hymns to God. Now the prisoners listened to them. 26 Now suddenly a great quake occurred, so that the foundations of the prison are shaken. Now instantly all the doors were opened, and the bonds of all were slacked." 27 Now the warden, coming out of his sleep, and perceiving the doors of the jail open, pulling his sword, was about to despatch himself, inferring that the prisoners have escaped." 28 Yet Paul shouts with a loud voice, saying, "You should commit nothing evil to yourself, for we are all in this place." 29 Now, requesting lights, he springs in, and, coming to be in a tremor, prostrates to Paul and Silas, 30 and, preceding them out, averred, "Masters, what must I be doing that I may be saved? 31 Now they say, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household." 32 And they speak to him the word of the Lord, together with all those in his house." 33 And, taking them aside, in that hour of the night he bathes off their blows, and is baptized, he and all his family, instantly." 34 Besides, leading them up into his house, he sets a table before them, and exults with all his household, having believed God." 35 Now, day coming on, the officers dispatch the constables, saying "Release those men." 36 Now the warden reports these words to Paul, that "The officers have dispatched that you may be released. Then, coming out now, go in peace." 37 Yet Paul averred to them, "Lashing us in public, uncondemned, men belonging to the Romans, they cast us into jail, and now they are ejecting us surreptitiously! No! But let them come themselves and lead us out!" 38 Now the constables report these declarations to the officers. Now they were afraid, hearing that they are Romans." 39 And, coming, they entreat them, and, leading them out, asked them to come away from the city." 40 Now, coming out from the jail, they came in to Lydia, and, seeing the brethren, they console them and came away."