Acts 16:1-40

JMNT(i) 1 So [with D: after going through these ethnic (= non-Jewish) countries,] he came down into, and arrived at, Derbe, and then at Lystra – and now consider this! – a certain disciple (student; apprentice) was there, named Timothy – [the] son of a faithful (loyal; trusting; believing) Jewish woman, yet of a Greek father – 2 who was constantly being attested (or: repeatedly witnessed of, well reported on and recommended) by the brothers (= fellow believers) in Lystra and Iconium. 3 [It was] this man [that] Paul had wanted and now intended to go out with him, and so after taking [him], he circumcised him because of the Jews – the ones presently being in those places – since they had all seen, and were thus aware, that his father was (or: had been) a Greek. 4 Now as they continued traveling through the villages and cities, [D adds: they continued heralding and repeatedly dispensing the Lord Jesus Christ to them publicly, with all the boldness and freedom of a citizen, while at the same time] they kept on delivering (or: handing over) to them the effects of the opinions and the decision, [regarding] what seemed appropriate [for them] to be observing and maintaining – which had been decided upon by the sent-forth folks and elders (or: older men) who were in Jerusalem. 5 The called-out communities were indeed, therefore, being progressively made strong, firm, solid and stable in the faith (or: in union with the trusting conviction), and they kept on increasing and superabounding in number daily. 6 So they went through Phrygia and [the] Galatian province [note: possibly the ethnographic area of the Gauls or Celts who dwelt in North Galatia], having been restrained (or: prevented) by the set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit) from speaking the message (the Logos; the Word; [D reads: not even one word of God]) within the [province of] Asia. 7 Now upon coming down [to] Mysia, they made efforts [D reads: they continued wanting and intending] to travel on into Bithynia, and then the Breath-effect (or: Spirit) of Jesus did not let (permit; allow) them. 8 So, skirting alongside (or: bypassing) Mysia, they went down into Troas. 9 Then, during one night, a vision (or: sight; effect and result of something seen) was seen by (or: in) Paul: [D adds: as it were] a certain Macedonian man was standing [D adds: before him] and calling him to his side for assistance, and repeatedly saying, "After crossing over into Macedonia, run to us with aid, in response to our cry for help!" [note: this was a call to come to Europe] 10 Now as [soon as] he saw the vision [D reads: Then, being aroused he related the vision in detail to us and we understood.] we immediately endeavored to go forth into Macedonia, progressively putting [aspects of the vision] together and mutually concluding that God [D and others read: {the} Lord] had called to us, to bring them [D reads: those in Macedonia] the good news – the message of goodness, ease and well-being. 11 Therefore, setting sail and putting out to sea, from Troas we followed a straight course (i.e., were sailing before the wind) unto Samothrace, but on the following [day we went] to Neapolis, 12 and from there unto Philippi, a colony which is a foremost city of [that] part of Macedonia. Now we were within this city, continuing to spend time, for some days. 13 And then, on one of the sabbath days, we went forth outside the [city] gate beside [the] river [Gangites (or: Gargites); about one mile west of town] where we had been supposing (or: inferring from custom) there to be a place of prayer (may = a synagogue; a place devoted to imparting goodness and to speaking toward things being well). And so, after sitting down, we [note: implies each of the four men] began speaking to the women being come together [there]. 14 Then a certain woman named Lydia – a seller (or: dealer) of purple fabrics, from the city of Thyatira, [and she was] a woman who stood in awe of God [D* reads: the Lord {= Yahweh, or, Christ}; note: = a convert to Judaism, or, a "God-fearer;" the word was also used to designate a group (including males and females) separate from proselytes and native Jews, yet enrolled as members of a synagogue] – began hearing and continued listening, whose heart (core of her being) the Lord [= Yahweh, or, Christ] at once completely opened up (or: opened back wide) to continue holding to, attentively accepting and being devoted to the things being presently and progressively spoken by (or: under) Paul. 15 Now as soon as she had been immersed (or: baptized) – along with [D adds: all] her household – she at once called [them] to her side, saying with entreaty, "Since (or: If) you men have sifted and separated me, then decided (judged) me to be trusting in the Lord (or: faithful to the Lord; full of faith by the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh; D reads: God]), upon entering into my house, continue remaining (abiding; dwelling)." And thus she strongly urged us [to accept her hospitality]. 16 Once it happened, during our going our way unto the place of prayer (= synagogue; or: the place devoted to imparting well-being and to speaking toward things being well), [that] a certain servant-girl (or: maid) – continuously holding a python spirit (or: repeatedly having a python breath-effect; = a serpent attitude and orientation; = an animistic practitioner; [note: in Greek mythology, Python was a giant snake guarding the oracular sanctuary at Delphi until slain by the god Apollo; later, the term came to refer to divination, ventriloquism and oracular spirits]) suddenly comes to meet with us (or: comes from under to confront us face to face), who, by habitually performing many acts of the craft of divining, fortune-telling and casting spells, had been consistently providing a steady source of income for her owners (or: masters; lords). 17 This girl, repeatedly following Paul and [the rest of] us down [to the river], kept on crying out and shrieking, constantly saying, "These people (or: humans) are slaves of the Most High God [= El Ha Elyon], who are constantly and progressively bringing the news down and are announcing to you folks [other MSS: to us] a way (or: path) of safety and deliverance (or: health, wholeness and salvation)." 18 Now she kept on doing this for many days. So, being thoroughly wearied and exasperated [from this], and finally turning around [toward her], Paul says to the breath-effect (or: spirit; or: said in and by the Breath-effect and Spirit), "I am now giving a directive to you (or: passing on an announcement for you) – within and in union with [the] Name of Jesus Christ (or: the Anointed Jesus) – to go out and away from her at once!" And thus, it went out that very (or: same) hour [D reads: it went out at once]. 19 Well, her [D reads: the servant-girl's] owners (masters), upon seeing (or: perceiving) that the expectation of their business (= the source of their income) went out from the midst [D reads: had been deprived from them which they had been having through her], after seizing Paul and Silas, they forcibly dragged [them] into the marketplace [and] before [the station of] the authorities ([city] rulers). 20 And so, after leading them forward to the civil magistrates, they said, "These men, being (or: belonging to; making a beginning as) Jews, continue completely stirring up (or: are repeatedly bringing forth a disturbance [in]) our city! 21 "Furthermore, they are habitually bringing down an announcement of customs which are not normal, right or allowed for us to habitually accept and embrace at our sides, nor to continue doing or practicing, [we] being Romans." 22 Then the crowd rose up together, [with D: taking a stand in attack] against them [with D: repeatedly crying out against them], and the civil magistrates, after stripping (or: ripping) off the cloaks and outer garments from them, began giving orders to proceed beating [them] with rods. 23 Besides imposing (inflicting) on them many blows (or: stripes), they threw them into jail (or: prison), passing along instructions to the jailer (or: prison guard) to continue keeping them guarded securely, 24 who, upon receiving such an order, cast them into the more interior prison (or: jail), and then fastened their feet into the wooden stocks. 25 Now at about midnight, Paul and Silas, continuing in thinking toward having the situation go well (or: praying; imparting words with a focus on ease and well-being), began singing hymns (or: praise and festive songs) [to] God (or: were continuing on by creating odes [about] God). So then, the prisoners kept on attentively listening [to what came] from them. 26 Now suddenly and unexpectedly, a great (or: violent) shaking (= an earthquake) occurred so that foundations of the prison (the place of the bound ones) were caused to move to and fro (made to totter and be rendered unstable). So now, instantly for use, all the doors were at once opened and the bonds of everyone were loosened (allowed to go up or back so as to relax and be slack; [D reads: unfastened]). 27 So the guard of the bound ones (the jailer; the warden), coming to be awakened (aroused out of sleep) and having seen the doors of the prison being opened up (= standing open), on drawing [his] sword was about to proceed in killing himself, continuing in assuming – from what normally happens – the prisoners to have fled out (escaped). 28 But Paul shouted in a loud voice, saying, "You should perform nothing bad to (or: on) yourself (or: May you execute nothing worthless for yourself; = Don't harm yourself) – we are all in here!" 29 So, after asking for lights, with a leap he rushed into [their] midst, and then coming to be in the midst of a tremble (or: inwardly trembling), he fell down toward (or: prostrated to; [D adds: the feet {of}]) Paul and Silas. 30 Next, after leading them outside [D adds: and upon securing the rest {of the prisoners}], he said to them, "Sirs (or: [My] lords; Masters) what is it now necessary for me to continue doing or keep on performing so that I can be kept safe (or: rescued)?" 31 So these men said, "At once place your trust and confidence upon the Lord Jesus (or: the Master, Jesus), and then you as well as your household will be kept safe (or: rescued and kept from trouble or danger [from the consequences of these events])." 32 Later, they spoke God's [other MSS: the Lord's {= Christ's or Yahweh's}] Word (or: God's idea and thoughts; God's Logos; God's message) to him [and] to all the folks within his house (or: household), together. 33 Then, taking them along in that very hour of the night, he washed [the bruises from] the blows, and bathed [their] stripes. Next he himself was immersed (baptized), along with all his folks (= family, or, those belonging to him; [p45 reads: his whole house]), instantly and effectively. 34 Besides this, leading (or: bringing) them up into the house, he placed beside [them] a table (= fed them a meal). Then, after having put faith on God, and now being in a state of confident trust in and loyalty to [Him], he expressed extreme gladness, leaping and skipping in ecstatic delight, along with all the household. 35 Now, with it becoming day, the civil magistrates dispatched the constables (those who had the rods: both an emblem of the office, as well as a means for executing the judgments of the magistrates), saying [to them], "Release those men." [D reads: At daybreak, the civil magistrates came together at that time into the market place, and recalling the earthquake which had happened, they became afraid and so dispatched the court-officers, who said, "Release those men."] 36 So the guard of the bound ones (the jailer; the warden) reported back these words to Paul: "The city magistrates have sent off [a message] to the end that you men should be released. At this time, therefore, upon going out, be going your way in peace." 37 Yet Paul affirmed to them, "After lashing (or: beating) us in public, uncondemned (or: not having gone through a legal trial) – men who are Romans – they threw (cast) [us] into prison (or: jail)! And now they are proceeding in throwing us out secretly and unnoticed? No indeed! To the contrary, upon coming [here], let they themselves lead us out!" 38 So the constables reported these results of the flow (or: sayings) back to the city magistrates. Now they grew fearful upon hearing that they were Romans, 39 and then, after coming, they entreated them, calling them to their sides. Next, having led them out [of the prison], they kept on asking [them] to go off [other MSS: out], away from the city. [D reads: and so, upon arriving unto the prison – accompanied by many friends – they entreated them to go forth, saying, "We were not aware (had no personal knowledge) of the situation regarding you folks, that you are just men (men of blameless character)." And so, having escorted them out, they entreated them, saying, "Go forth out of this city, otherwise folks may gather together again and turn on you, repeatedly shouting threats against you."] 40 So then, after coming out of the prison (or: jail), they went unto [the home], to face and be with Lydia. Then, upon seeing the brothers (= fellow believers), [D adds: they fully related everything that {the} Lord did for them {and}] they called [them] to their sides, encouraging them. Later they departed (went out [of the city]).