Acts 2:5-11

Great(i) 5 Ther were dwellyng at Ierusalem, Iewes, deuoute men, out of euery nacyon of them that are vnder heauen. 6 When thys was noysed aboute, the multitude came together, & were astonnyed, because that euery man hearde them speake with his awne langage. 7 They wondred all, and marueyled, sayinge among them selues: beholde, are not all these which speake, of Galile? 8 And how heare we euery man his awne tong, wherin we were borne? 9 Parthians, and Medes and Elamytes, and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia, and of Iury, and of Capadocia, of Ponthus and Asia, 10 Phrygia, and Pamphilia, of Egypte, and of the partyes of Lybia which is besyd? Syren, and straungers of Rome, Iewes & Proselites. 11 Grekes and Arabians: we haue herd them speake in oure awne tonges the greate worckes of God.