2 Corinthians 11:21-23

JMNT(i) 21 I am saying [this] down from dishonor (or: in accord with being devalued), seeing that we, ourselves, have been weak [among you]. Yet in whatever anyone is habitually daring – I say this in senselessness (I’m talking foolishly and unreasonably) – I, too, am habitually daring! 22 Are they Hebrews? So [am] I! Are they Israelites? So [am] I! Are they a seed of Abraham? So [am] I! [comment: this is the "boasting on the level of flesh" in vs. 18, above] 23 Are they Christ's attending servants? – I am speaking as one being beside himself (or: insane) – I [am] over and above [them] (or: I, more so; = I surpass [them])! In toilsome labors and weariness more exceedingly; in prisons and jails more often; in blows (stripes or beatings) surpassingly; in deaths many times (= in near-death situations often).